Is it must to learn all the other versions of c# before starting with c# 4.0?

As i am a beginner who just finished my engineering and i have good knowledge in c,c++... I thought of studying c# as well but i found that c# 4.0 has been released.....

  • Should i care about the previous versions?
  • What are the tips you give for beginner to learn c# quickly?
  • what are the factors to be considered when moving from c,c++ to c#?

  • C# 4 is basically a superset of all the other versions, so if you know C# 4 then you definitely know the earlier versions. On the other hand, I think it's worth knowing what's in which version. I have a couple of "bluffer's guides" on my C# in Depth web site which give a bit of information about C# 2 and 3 - I'll do a similar one for C# 4 soon. See this question for a very brief list of features in each version.

    As for migrating from C and C++ - try to ignore everything you think you know. Some bits will be similar, some will be completely different. You should try to work the way the language expects you to, rather than applying C++ idioms to it.

    You might want to read Essential C# 4.0, C# 4.0 in a Nutshell or Accelerated C# 2010. My own book - C# in Depth - will have a second edition soon, covering C# 4, but it's really designed for people who already know C# 1.

    No. Just get a good book about 4.0. If the book is complete (ie nto a "for people knowing 3.5) then it is complete.

    Just forget about previous versions, UNLESS specifically called for (not every commercial project is going to use 4.0 at the moment).

    Tips? Get a good book, READ THE DOCUMENTATION.

    C/C++ - welcome in a managed memory world. Get around the garbage collected approach. NOW. Get around not having pointers (that you can manipulate) and don't bitch about it - the faster you get comfortable with that environment, the faster you feel ok ;)

    Should i care about the previous versions?

    Yes. You should at least know which features of 4.0 the older version DON'T have.

    There's a good chance that if you're using .NET on the job, they're not going to be at 4.0 yet. Therefore, you're going to need to know which features you can use and which you're going to have to work around.

    What are the tips you give for beginner to learn c# quickly?

    Find a good book and start at the beginning.

    I would recommend either Pro C# 2010 and the .NET 4.0 Platform or C# In Depth: Second Edition

    What are the factors to be considered when moving from c,c++ to c#?

    Know the naming conventions and differences of each.

    C/C++ gets compiled to native code. C# gets JIT compilation.

    C# has memory management. C/C++ doesn't (at least not the same).

    C is not an object oriented langauge. C++/C# are, but each handles OO in a slightly different way.

    Those kind of differences will change how you write/think about your code.


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    下一篇: 在开始使用C#4.0之前,是否必须学习所有其他版本的C#?