Solutions to sign certificates
For a system with multiple application servers and multiple clients, I would like to introduce mutual authentication as well as other security protections provided by TLS.
The servers and clients may be located on different networks as well as on the same network.
Each entity (client or server) has its own keystore that stores its private/public key pair and a X.509 certificate that wraps the public key. But, at this point, the certificate is self-signed. So, it will not be verified by the other communicating entities. After some research, I've looked at some solutions:
It's my first experience with security. Among the solutions that you consider as valid, which one do you recommend?
I've numbered your options for easier reading.
Your option 4 has comparable security and management specifics as the first one. Ie your options are narrowed down to own-vs-thirdparty CA services. While you can buy your own CA certificate from CA authority, it would cost, emm, a lot. But how much is "a lot" is determined on case by case basis by CA salesmen.
In terms of management complexity I'd put them in the following order (first is the easiest): 3, 1, 2, 4
In options 1, 2, 4 you have to manage your certificates which requires both knowledge of PKI and it's security procedures (besides purely technical, you will need to ensure that private keys are protected) and software for certificate generation and management (openssl and alike won't be enough for most activities, and most likely you will need to write your own code for certificate generation).
And it's a good idea to have an OCSP server too, which you would have to run yourself in case of options 1, 2, 4.
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