One MySQL Database & Multiple Table

How to connect to a certain table in MySQL database?

I have tried :


but it gives me an error :-

"Error : Table 'baybeestore.form' doesn't exist"

But I've created a table named as order . Are there any PHP codes to connect to my table order in the same database that have multiple databases?

Is it wise enough to create multiple database & one table for one website or multiple table with one database?


$connection = mysql_connect("localhost","user","1234");
        die('Failed to connect to MySQL :' . mysql_error());
    $sql = "INSERT INTO
    form(name, address, email, handphone, item, payment)

    ('$strname', '$straddress', '$stremail', '$strhandphone', '$stritem', '$strpayment')";

    if(!mysql_query($sql, $connection))
        die('Error : ' . mysql_error());
    echo "Data have been saved.";

As per your edit/added code. Your originally posted code

You're using two different tables for your queries. Result: ERROR

You have SELECT * FROM order and INSERT INTO form 2 different animals altogether.

If anything, that should be INSERT INTO order or SELECT * FROM form yet... ORDER is a reserved word and should be enclosed with backticks.



  • This is a very confusing question. mysql_select_db("baybeestore",$connection); has nothing to do with table names, so your error must be coming from somewhere else. Also, the error refers to the table form , but you say you have created a table named order .

    To answer your questions:

  • You don't connect to tables; you connect to databases and run queries against tables. Connect to my_database or whatever, then run queries like SELECT * FROM my_table .

  • One database, multiple tables -- definitely not multiple databases, which is much more complicated, generates a ton of overhead, and doesn't help in any way.

  • Maybe you are confusing things. You are supposed to connect to a database and then run queries against one or multiple tables in that database.

    So if you have database My_Database and tables table1 , table2 you could run

    mysqli_select_db($connection, "My_Database");

    and then run queries like

    $result = mysqli_query("SELECT * FROM table1 WHERE 1 LIMIT 1");

    please note that I have changed the function names to mysqli_* because mysql_* functions are deprecated and should not be used anymore


    上一篇: 声明变量时未定义的索引

    下一篇: 一个MySQL数据库和多表