Glassfish 3.1.1 JDBC Realm
I created jdbcRealm in Glassfish 3.1.1:
<auth-realm name="db-realm" classname="">
<property name="user-name-column" value="username"></property>
<property name="password-column" value="userpassword"></property>
<property name="group-name-column" value="groupname"></property>
<property description="null" name="group-table" value="group"></property>
<property name="user-table" value="user"></property>
<property name="datasource-jndi" value="jdbc/netponto"></property>
<property name="jaas-context" value="jdbcRealm"></property>
<property description="null" name="digest-algorithm" value="SHA-256"></property>
Connection Pool is working well. My database (postgres) configuration's is ok.
My web.xml:
My sun-web.xml:
When I try to request any protected and type user and password, glassfish throws exception:
WEB9102: Web Login Failed: Login failed: Security Exception
User in database:
username: test userpassword: SHA-256 hash (test) group: admin
Is this glassfish 3.1.1 problem's?
Is there someone using jdbcRealm with Glassfish 3.1.1 and it's working?
My Environment: SO: Ubuntu 11.04 DB: Postgres 9 Java: 1.7.0 Glassfish: 3.1.1 (b12)