How do you attach a new pull request to an existing issue on github?

I'm not sure, but I have a vague memory of creating a github pull request with "Issue 4" or something in the title, and it automatically attached itself to Issue 4 in the project that I was submitting it to. I tried it again recently and it didn't work -- it just created a brand new issue instead. I don't see any options like "Attach to issue" on the new pull request page, nor "Open a new pull request for this issue" on the issue page. Is there any way to do this, to help project owners keep their Issues page clean and avoid duplication?

Edit : To clarify, I know that creating a pull request always creates a new issue. I would like to instead attach the pull request to an existing issue.

The "hub" project can do this:

In the repository and branch that you want to send a pull request from:

$ hub pull-request -i 4

This uses the GitHub API, and attaches a pull request for the current branch to the existing issue number 4.

EDIT: Comment by @atomicules: To expand on the answer by @MichaelMior a full example is:


Adding a pull request to an existing upstream issue is easy assuming you forked using the normal github means.

Simply reference the issue in your commit message using any of the supported keywords:

  • close
  • closes
  • closed
  • fix
  • fixes
  • fixed
  • resolve
  • resolves
  • resolved
  • For example: "this commit fixes #116"

    The text referencing the issue does not need to appear in the subject line of your commit.

    Push your commit to your github repo and the pull request will be automatically appended to the issue.

    Note: While it is not required, it is strongly recommended that you commit anything that will be part of a pull request to a separate branch specific to that issue, because future commits on that branch will be appended to the pull request (automatically by github). So, if you didn't make a separate branch, left it on master, and then kept developing, then all your unrelated commits to master would get appended to your pull request.

    You can create a Pull Request from an existing Issue with the Pull Request API:

    $ curl --user "smparkes" 
           --request POST 
           --data '{"issue": "15", "head": "smparkes:synchrony", "base": "master"}' 

    This creates a pull request:

  • ask technoweenie at project faraday ( technoweenie / faraday /pulls)
  • to pull from the synchrony branch in smparkes ' fork ("head": " smparkes : synchrony ")
  • to the master branch in technoweenie 's fork ("base": " master ")
  • and attach the pull request to issue 15 ("issue": " 15 ")
  • with the pull request author smparkes (--user " smparkes ")
  • you will be prompted for your GitHub password
  • 链接地址:

    上一篇: 添加网格R包的边距

    下一篇: 你如何将一个新的pull请求附加到github上的现有问题上?