mkdir: cannot create directory : Protocol error : Virtualbox Shared folder

I am trying to create folders and file in Virtualbox shared folder from Host to guest. But i get this error mkdir: cannot create directory : Protocol error .

Below are steps i performed to share folder
1:My host OS is Ubuntu and my guest is Ubuntu.

2:I attached a share folder to virtualBox VM 
  Folder Path:/DR/vault/config 
  Folder:config selected automount and make permanent.

3:In Guest OS i installed virtualbox guest additions

4:I am trying to mount folder on /mount/config path
  I added entry in guest's /etc/fstab as 
  /config         /mount/config  vboxsf  rw,uid=1000,gid=1000      0       0

Path gets successfully mounted after Guest reboot also i can see the files created in /DR/vault/config(Guest) to /mount/config(Guest) but i cant create folder or file in /mount/config (Guest)

Please suggest if anything is missing or if there is any other way.

I have found this is a problem with filename lengths on DOS hosts. I have been using VirtualBox VMs as a form of containerised environment for deploying to a JBoss server, having experienced far too many problems with Windows environments for said technology. I was using a shared-directory with my host machine as I was trying to keep the virtual machine lightweight (ie keeping IDEs in the host machine), then checking code into the shared directory for deployment with Maven. However, maven was giving some odd errors when the directory length grew to over 255 characters. Try looking at your file absolute path (type "pwd") and seeing if it's longer than 255.

I've resolved this problem with the following:

  • On the guest machine, add your user to vboxsf group: sudo adduser username vboxsf
  • Restart the host machine.
  • My host OS is Windows, my guest OS Ubuntu.



    上一篇: Magento错误时禁用模块

    下一篇: mkdir:无法创建目录:协议错误:Virtualbox共享文件夹