How can I reference a specific enumeration by an integer?

This question already has an answer here:

  • Cast int to enum in C# 21 answers

  • You just need to cast to your enum :

    Echemicals val = (Echemicals)i ;

    But you don't need to use int[] for this. Maybe you should give more details as to what the issue is.


    var enumValues = Enum.GetValues(typeof(Echemicals));
    var decimals = enumValues.OfType<Echemicals>().Select(x => (int)x).ToArray();

    By default, enum values in .NET are assigned integer values in order of declaration, starting at zero. Hence, with this enum...

    enum Echemicals { oxygen, hydrogen, carbon }
    int zero = (int)Echemicals.oxygen;
    int one = (int)Echemicals.hydrogen;
    int two = (int)Echemicals.carbon;

    And vice versa:

    Echemicals oxy = = (Echemicals)0;

    But chemicals is an array of integers, not Echemicals . So it sounds like you want this:

    int[i] = i;

    If at some other time you want to convert int[2] into the Echemicals value corresponding to that integer value,

    Echemicals chem = (Echemicals)int[2];

    But if you want an array of all the Echemicals enum values, this will work -- and it'll be more useful than that array of integers:

    var echemValues = (Echemicals[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(Echemicals));
    Echemicals oxy = echemValues[0];
    int thisWillBeZero = (int)echemValues[0];

    You can also assign the integer values explicitly when you define the enum type:

    enum Echemicals { oxygen = 8, hydrogen = 1, carbon = 6 }

    上一篇: 如何将Integer转换为枚举值

    下一篇: 我怎样才能用一个整数来引用一个特定的枚举?