How do you use window.postMessage across domains?

It seems like the point of window.postMessage is to allow safe communication between windows/frames hosted on different domains, but it doesn't actually seem to allow that in Chrome.

Here's the scenario:

  • Embed an <iframe> (with a src on domain B*) in a page on domain A
  • The <iframe> ends up being mostly a <script> tag, at the end of which's execution...
  • I call window.postMessage( some_data, page_on_A )
  • The <iframe> is most definitely in the context of domain B, and I've confirmed that the embedded javascript in that <iframe> executes properly and calls postMessage with the correct values.

    I get this error message in Chrome:

    Unable to post message to A. Recipient has origin B.

    Here's the code that registers a message event listener in the page on A:

      function (event) {
        // Do something

    I've also tried calling window.postMessage(some_data, '*') , but all that does is suppress the error.

    Am I just missing the point here, is window.postMessage(...) not meant for this? Or am I just doing it horribly wrong?

    *Mime-type text/html, which it must remain.

    Here is an example that works on Chrome 5.0.375.125.

    The page B (iframe content):

                top.postMessage('hello', 'A');

    Note the use of top.postMessage or parent.postMessage not window.postMessage here

    The page A:

        <iframe src="B"></iframe>
            window.addEventListener( "message",
              function (e) {
                    if(e.origin !== 'B'){ return; } 

    A and B must be something like


    From another question, it looks the domains(A and B here) must have a / for the postMessage to work properly.

    You should post a message from frame to parent, after loaded.

    frame script:

    $(document).ready(function() {
        window.parent.postMessage("I'm loaded", "*");

    And listen it in parent:

    function listenMessage(msg) {
    if (window.addEventListener) {
        window.addEventListener("message", listenMessage, false);
    } else {
        window.attachEvent("onmessage", listenMessage);

    Use this link for more info:

    Probably you try to send your data from to or reverse, NOTE you missed "www". and are different domains to javascript.


    上一篇: 我怎样才能按键排序字典?

    下一篇: 你如何跨域使用window.postMessage?