iOS app with framework crashed on device, dyld: Library not loaded, Xcode 6 Beta

This crash has been a blocking issue, basically I used following steps to reproduce the issue:

  • Create a Cocoa Touch Framework project
  • Add a swift file and a class Dog
  • Build framework for device
  • Create a Single View application in Swift
  • Import framework into app project
  • Instantiate swift class from the framework in ViewController
  • Build and run app on device
  • The app immediate crashed upon launching, here is console log:

    dyld: Library not loaded: @rpath/FrameworkTest03.framework/FrameworkTest03
      Referenced from: /var/mobile/Applications/FA6BAAC8-1AAD-49B4-8326-F30F66458CB6/
      Reason: image not found

    I have tried to build on iOS 7.1 and 8.0 devices, they both have the same crash. However I can build app and run on simulator fine. Also I am aware that I can change the framework to from Required to Optional in Link Binary With Libraries, but it did not completely resolve the problem, the app crashed when I create an instance of Dog. The behavior is different on device and simulator, I suspect that we can't distribute framework for device using beta version of Xcode. Can anyone shed light on this?

    In the target's General tab, there is an Embedded Binaries field. When you add the framework there the crash is resolved.

    Reference is here on Apple Developer Forums.

    For iOS greater than or equal to 8

    Under the target's General tab, in the Embedded Binaries section add the framework. This will copy the framework into the compiled so that it can be linked to at runtime.


    Why is this happening? : because the framework you are linking to is compiled as a dynamically linked framework and thus is linked to at runtime.

    Note : Embedding custom frameworks is only supported in iOS > 8 and thus and alternative solution that works on older versions of iOS follows.

    For iOS less than 8

    If you have influence on this framework (have access to the source code / build process) you may change this framework to be statically linked rather than dynamically linked. This will cause the code to be include in your compiled app rather than linked to at runtime and thus the framework will not have to be embedded.

    How : Under the framework's Build Setting tab, in the Linking section change the Mach-O Type to Static Library. You should now not need to include the framework under embedded binaries.


    Including Assets : To include things such as images, audio, or xib/nib files I recommend creating a bundle (essentially a directory, more info here and then load the assets from the bundle using NSBundle.

    I received this same error while attempting to manually add my created framework into my project. Just dragging the framework into your project isn't going to be good enough. That is like being in the same ballpark but not being able to find your kids. It took me some trial and error to get it to work properly but following these steps did it for me.

    1) Create your framework

  • Develop your framework.
  • Once your development is complete, COMMAND + B build your framework and ensure you receive "Build Succeeded".
  • 在这里输入图像描述

    2) Access your framework

  • Once your framework project successfully builds it will then be ready for you to access in your Products folder in your project.
  • 在这里输入图像描述

  • Right click on your .framework and select "Show in Finder".
  • 在这里输入图像描述

    3) Place framework in your project

  • Drag and drop the .framework from your Finder window to your app project's "Framework" folder.
  • 在这里输入图像描述

    4) Configure app project for framework

  • Select the top level in your project
  • 在这里输入图像描述

  • Choose your target
  • 在这里输入图像描述

  • Go to "Build Phases", then "Link Binary with Libraries", and ensure that your framework is included with optional selected .
  • 在这里输入图像描述

  • Still in "Build Phases", go to the upper left and select the + button. In the drop down choose "New Copy Files Phase".
  • 在这里输入图像描述

  • Scroll down to the new "Copy Files" section and ensure that you set Destination to "Frameworks". Leave the subpath empty. Then click the + button at the bottom left.
  • 在这里输入图像描述

  • You will be presented with your project hierarchy. Scroll down to the "Frameworks" folder that you added the framework to in step 3, or search for it in the search bar at the top. Select your framework and click "Add".
  • 在这里输入图像描述

  • Ensure that your framework is included with "Code Sign On Copy" selected.
  • 在这里输入图像描述

    5) Clean, then run your project

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