Testing HTML email rendering

Are there any good tools to easily test how HTML email will look across different email clients? I prefer something with instant feed back rather than a submit and wait service like http://litmusapp.com Or at the very least a way to test the Outlook 2007/MS Word rendering?

I found this related question but it doesn't specifically address testing. What guidelines for HTML email design are there?

Yes, you can use any of these popular tools:

  • Litmus https://litmusapp.com/
  • MailChimp https://www.mailchimp.com/
  • CampaignMonitor https://www.campaignmonitor.com/
  • Testi@ https://testi.at/

  • You could also use PutsMail to test your emails before sending them.

    PutsMail is a tool to test HTML emails that will be sent as campaigns, newsletters and others (please, don't use it to spam, help us to make a better world).

    Main features:

  • Check HTML & CSS compatibility with email clients
  • Easily send HTML emails for approval or to check how it looks like in email clients

  • I found emailonacid.com today (beta, currently free†) - have only played with it a little but so far so good. It simulates the following clients:

  • AOL 9
  • Entourage 2004 & 2008
  • Gmail
  • Hotmail
  • Windows Live Mail
  • Windows Mail
  • Mac Mail
  • Outlook 2003 & 2007
  • Thunderbird 2, 3 & Beta
  • Yahoo Classic / Yahoo Mail
  • The very helpful thing about this service is it tells you what code is not supported in which client.

    Edit: Not free anymore, but provides a 7 day free trial.

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/22712.html

    上一篇: AEM和定制的电子邮件

    下一篇: 测试HTML电子邮件呈现