WP7 Achievments, Without XNA

this is a real quick question. Is their a way i could access Achievements on the WP7 without being inside XNA?

or Maybe build an application that opens as a Regular App but then when a TouchDown Event is triggered Maybe open a XNA game?

Thank you in advance!

If u need to integrate XNA application running in 3D I guess you can find the positive answer to your question here:


You can integrate, with some work, XNA and WPF together at the rendering level.

If you need to access classes in XNA without the need to start the 3D rendering, sure, you just need to reference the XNA assemblies in your project and you can do wathever back-end logic you need.

And yes, as other people say, Achievement class throws NotSupportedException for all its members, both in the Windows version of XNA and in the XBox Indie game version.

As microsoft say:

"This class and all related methods and properties only retrieve a calculated result for titles approved to access Xbox LIVE Services through the Xbox LIVE Registered Developer Program. For Xbox LIVE Indie games, the properties in this class will not return a calculated result, and related methods will report a NotSupportedException."

Even if it was possible to do what you want, Achievements are ONLY available to licensed Xbox Live games. To access the Achievement API you need to a have LiveId and be able to prop your achievements file to the Live network.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/22766.html

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