css selector to select a table cell contains img

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  • Is there a CSS parent selector? 26 answers
  • CSS selector for “foo that contains bar”? [duplicate] 3 answers

  • In CSS4 there is a spec, to mark the element, which you want to style, in a larger selector. The actual symbol varies and currently points to ! .

    So in your case the selector would look like this (according to the current spec):

    table !td img {
      font-color: red;

    Note, however, that this is not supported in any current browser.

    Do you know ahead of time which cells will have an image in them? If so add a class to the td element, for example:

       <td class="has-image"><img src="..." /></td>

    That's the easiest way... Otherwise you'd need to use JavaScript. In jquery this would look like:

    $('td img').parents('td').addClass('has-image');
    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/22838.html

    上一篇: 允许用于CSS标识符的字符

    下一篇: css选择器来选择一个包含img的表格单元格