Handling new iPhone screen sizes with a background image

So since the new iPhone 6/6+ came out, I'm a little confused as to how to handle the asset catalogs for a background image.

The options are:

  • iPhone 1x (320x480)
  • iPhone 2x (640x960)
  • iPhone R4 (640x1136)
  • iPhone 3x (I assume this is 3*(1x), which would be 960x1440)
  • What dimensions should I be supplying here, because the resolution of the iPhone 6+ is 1080x1920 , but 3x would be 960x1440 , right?

    iPhone6 Plus 2208x1242px | 736x414pt | 1920x1080px | 1pt=3px

    iPhone6 1334x750px | 667x375pt | 1334x750px | 1pt=2px

    iPhone4s 960x640px | 480x320px | 960x640px | 1pt=2px

    Here for the details

    First one is resource size, second one is device physical point , the third one is screen size, iPhone6 plus is a little wired because its screen size not equal to resource size, and each resource will shrink 1.15 time to render.

    For your question @3x is based on physicall point of each device. so iPhone6 @3x should be 736x414px X 3 = 2208x1242px

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/22934.html

    上一篇: x32和x64之间的内存消耗量很奇怪

    下一篇: 使用背景图像处理新的iPhone屏幕尺寸