Is there a good jQuery Drag
Is there a nice tidy jQuery plugin that allows including a single JS script then using a simple snippet to enable a form? Something like this:
With the upload target being the action of the form.
Any solution must not prevent a regular file field from being usable (using traditional browse method).
I only need one file at a time, though of course having the option for multiple isn't a bad thing.
I've found a couple of drag-drop upload examples:
But the code there isn't setup as a plugin. It's probably not too difficult to change it, but also no point doing so if someone else has already done that work and is simply evading my Google searches.
I'm ideally looking for a pure HTML5/jQuery solution.
A Google Gears one is acceptable, but a Flash solution is not.
Have a look at this one:
It also handles multiple file upload!
Check out the recently1 released upload handler from the guys that created the TinyMCE editor. It has a jQuery widget and looks like it has a nice set of features and fallbacks. = great solution
According to their docs, the following browsers support drag & drop:
上一篇: 使用HTML5 / Canvas / JavaScript接受
下一篇: 有没有一个很好的jQuery拖动