Facing problems while executing git status

I am facing a problem while using the git status . I get this output:

# On branch master
# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/master' by 1 commit.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

At first the commit and push for readme(README.md) worked perfectly. How do I solve this?

You solve it by pushing it to master again:

git push
or, if your master branch wasn't tracking origin/master already
git push -u origin master

(See on that "tracking" business "What's the difference between git config and git push --set-upstream " and "hat exactly does the “ u ” do? “ git push -u origin master ” vs “ git push origin master ”"

The only time when git push doesn't solve that situation is when you need to do a git fetch in order to update the origin SHA1 that your local repo has in store.
See " git: Your branch is Ahead by X commits ".

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/23156.html

上一篇: “你的分支在Git之前”

下一篇: 执行git状态时遇到问题