how to commit changes to new branch

I just made changes to a branch. My question is, how can I commit the changes to the other branch?

I am trying to use:

git checkout "the commmit to the changed branch" -b "the other branch"

However, I don't think this is the right thing to do, because in this case I'm creating a new branch instead of committing the changes to "the other branch".

Should I use the following command instead?

git merge "the other branch"

Thank you.

git checkout -b your-new-branch

git add <files>

git commit -m <message>

First, checkout your new branch. Then add all the files you want to commit to staging. Lastly, commit all the files you just added. You might want to do a git push origin your-new-branch afterward so your changes show up on the remote.

If I understand right, you've made a commit to changed_branch and you want to copy that commit to other_branch ? Easy:

git checkout other_branch
git cherry-pick changed_branch

You can use stash your work, create a new branch, then pop your stash changes:

git stash
git checkout -b branch_name
git stash pop

It will be as if you had made those changes after creating the new branch.


上一篇: Git:将分阶段的更改移动到不同的或新的分支

下一篇: 如何提交对新分支的更改