size cover fade transition without size transition

I have a div where I'm changing the background (using jQuery). These CSS3 rules allow the new background image to crossfade in nicely

transition: background-image 1s ease-in-out;
background: center center no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
-webkit-background-size: cover;
-moz-background-size: cover;

The issue is that the background size is also transitioning.

So if it switches from a portrait to a landscape background image, for example, while fading, the image gets squished vertically and then stretched horizontally. This can be a bit nauseating.

Is there any way to use background-size: cover but to only fade transition the background image itself without the background size?

That's just... weird. background-image isn't supposed to be animatable in the first place. On the other hand, background-size can be animated, but it's very clear from your CSS that you don't want to transition background-size . Yet, your browser chooses to animate it along with the image anyway.

Whatever your browser is doing, it's obviously ignoring the spec and just doing its own thing. Since background-image isn't animatable using CSS (I know Firefox and IE don't support it), and your background transition is already being handled with jQuery anyway, I suggest using jQuery instead of CSS to implement the crossfade to ensure it'll work consistently across browsers.

I worked around the unintended size animation by:

  • having two divs, absolutely positioned on top of each other

  • cycling their opacity (eg one to 0, and the other to 1)

  • putting the css transition on the opacity, rather than background-image.

  • This achieves a cross-fade between the background images of the divs. If you have more than 2 images to cycle, either use more divs, or change the background-image of the one you are setting the opacity to 1.


    上一篇: 用jQuery将样式表附加到iframe

    下一篇: 大小封面淡入淡出转换没有大小过渡