What are your (concrete) use

I have a friend who likes to use metaclasses, and regularly offers them as a solution.

I am of the mind that you almost never need to use metaclasses. Why? because I figure if you are doing something like that to a class, you should probably be doing it to an object. And a small redesign/refactor is in order.

Being able to use metaclasses has caused a lot of people in a lot of places to use classes as some kind of second rate object, which just seems disastrous to me. Is programming to be replaced by meta-programming? The addition of class decorators has unfortunately made it even more acceptable.

So please, I am desperate to know your valid (concrete) use-cases for metaclasses in Python. Or to be enlightened as to why mutating classes is better than mutating objects, sometimes.

I will start:

Sometimes when using a third-party library it is useful to be able to mutate the class in a certain way.

(this is the only case I can think of, and it's not concrete)

I have a class that handles non-interactive plotting, as a frontend to Matplotlib. However, on occasion one wants to do interactive plotting. With only a couple functions I found that I was able to increment the figure count, call draw manually, etc, but I needed to do these before and after every plotting call. So to create both an interactive plotting wrapper and an offscreen plotting wrapper, I found it was more efficient to do this via metaclasses, wrapping the appropriate methods, than to do something like:

class PlottingInteractive:
    add_slice = wrap_pylab_newplot(add_slice)

This method doesn't keep up with API changes and so on, but one that iterates over the class attributes in __init__ before re-setting the class attributes is more efficient and keeps things up to date:

class _Interactify(type):
    def __init__(cls, name, bases, d):
        super(_Interactify, cls).__init__(name, bases, d)
        for base in bases:
            for attrname in dir(base):
                if attrname in d: continue # If overridden, don't reset
                attr = getattr(cls, attrname)
                if type(attr) == types.MethodType:
                    if attrname.startswith("add_"):
                        setattr(cls, attrname, wrap_pylab_newplot(attr))
                    elif attrname.startswith("set_"):
                        setattr(cls, attrname, wrap_pylab_show(attr))

Of course, there might be better ways to do this, but I've found this to be effective. Of course, this could also be done in __new__ or __init__ , but this was the solution I found the most straightforward.

I was asked the same question recently, and came up with several answers. I hope it's OK to revive this thread, as I wanted to elaborate on a few of the use cases mentioned, and add a few new ones.

Most metaclasses I've seen do one of two things:

  • Registration (adding a class to a data structure):

    models = {}
    class ModelMetaclass(type):
        def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
            models[name] = cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
            return cls
    class Model(object):
        __metaclass__ = ModelMetaclass

    Whenever you subclass Model , your class is registered in the models dictionary:

    >>> class A(Model):
    ...     pass
    >>> class B(A):
    ...     pass
    >>> models
    {'A': <__main__.A class at 0x...>,
     'B': <__main__.B class at 0x...>}

    This can also be done with class decorators:

    models = {}
    def model(cls):
        models[cls.__name__] = cls
        return cls
    class A(object):

    Or with an explicit registration function:

    models = {}
    def register_model(cls):
        models[cls.__name__] = cls
    class A(object):

    Actually, this is pretty much the same: you mention class decorators unfavorably, but it's really nothing more than syntactic sugar for a function invocation on a class, so there's no magic about it.

    Anyway, the advantage of metaclasses in this case is inheritance, as they work for any subclasses, whereas the other solutions only work for subclasses explicitly decorated or registered.

    >>> class B(A):
    ...     pass
    >>> models
    {'A': <__main__.A class at 0x...> # No B :(
  • Refactoring (modifying class attributes or adding new ones):

    class ModelMetaclass(type):
        def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
            fields = {}
            for key, value in attrs.items():
                if isinstance(value, Field):
                    value.name = '%s.%s' % (name, key)
                    fields[key] = value
            for base in bases:
                if hasattr(base, '_fields'):
            attrs['_fields'] = fields
            return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
    class Model(object):
        __metaclass__ = ModelMetaclass

    Whenever you subclass Model and define some Field attributes, they are injected with their names (for more informative error messages, for example), and grouped into a _fields dictionary (for easy iteration, without having to look through all the class attributes and all its base classes' attributes every time):

    >>> class A(Model):
    ...     foo = Integer()
    >>> class B(A):
    ...     bar = String()
    >>> B._fields
    {'foo': Integer('A.foo'), 'bar': String('B.bar')}

    Again, this can be done (without inheritance) with a class decorator:

    def model(cls):
        fields = {}
        for key, value in vars(cls).items():
            if isinstance(value, Field):
                value.name = '%s.%s' % (cls.__name__, key)
                fields[key] = value
        for base in cls.__bases__:
            if hasattr(base, '_fields'):
        cls._fields = fields
        return cls
    class A(object):
        foo = Integer()
    class B(A):
        bar = String()
    # B.bar has no name :(
    # B._fields is {'foo': Integer('A.foo')} :(

    Or explicitly:

    class A(object):
        foo = Integer('A.foo')
        _fields = {'foo': foo} # Don't forget all the base classes' fields, too!

    Although, on the contrary to your advocacy for readable and maintainable non-meta programming, this is much more cumbersome, redundant and error prone:

    class B(A):
        bar = String()
    # vs.
    class B(A):
        bar = String('bar')
        _fields = {'B.bar': bar, 'A.foo': A.foo}
  • Having considered the most common and concrete use cases, the only cases where you absolutely HAVE to use metaclasses are when you want to modify the class name or list of base classes, because once defined, these parameters are baked into the class, and no decorator or function can unbake them.

    class Metaclass(type):
        def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
            return type.__new__(meta, 'foo', (int,), attrs)
    class Baseclass(object):
        __metaclass__ = Metaclass
    class A(Baseclass):
    class B(A):
    print A.__name__ # foo
    print B.__name__ # foo
    print issubclass(B, A)   # False
    print issubclass(B, int) # True

    This may be useful in frameworks for issuing warnings whenever classes with similar names or incomplete inheritance trees are defined, but I can't think of a reason beside trolling to actually change these values. Maybe David Beazley can.

    Anyway, in Python 3, metaclasses also have the __prepare__ method, which lets you evaluate the class body into a mapping other than a dict , thus supporting ordered attributes, overloaded attributes, and other wicked cool stuff:

    import collections
    class Metaclass(type):
        def __prepare__(meta, name, bases, **kwds):
            return collections.OrderedDict()
        def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs, **kwds):
            # Do more stuff...
    class A(metaclass=Metaclass):
        x = 1
        y = 2
    # prints ['x', 'y'] rather than ['y', 'x']

    class ListDict(dict):
        def __setitem__(self, key, value):
            self.setdefault(key, []).append(value)
    class Metaclass(type):
        def __prepare__(meta, name, bases, **kwds):
            return ListDict()
        def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs, **kwds):
            # Do more stuff...
    class A(metaclass=Metaclass):
        def foo(self):
        def foo(self, x):
    # prints [<function foo at 0x...>, <function foo at 0x...>] rather than <function foo at 0x...>

    You might argue ordered attributes can be achieved with creation counters, and overloading can be simulated with default arguments:

    import itertools
    class Attribute(object):
        _counter = itertools.count()
        def __init__(self):
            self._count = Attribute._counter.next()
    class A(object):
        x = Attribute()
        y = Attribute()
    A._order = sorted([(k, v) for k, v in vars(A).items() if isinstance(v, Attribute)],
                      key = lambda (k, v): v._count)

    class A(object):
        def _foo0(self):
        def _foo1(self, x):
        def foo(self, x=None):
            if x is None:
                return self._foo0()
                return self._foo1(x)

    Besides being much more ugly, it's also less flexible: what if you want ordered literal attributes, like integers and strings? What if None is a valid value for x ?

    Here's a creative way to solve the first problem:

    import sys
    class Builder(object):
        def __call__(self, cls):
            cls._order = self.frame.f_code.co_names
            return cls
    def ordered():
        builder = Builder()
        def trace(frame, event, arg):
            builder.frame = frame
        return builder
    class A(object):
        x = 1
        y = 'foo'
    print A._order # ['x', 'y']

    And here's a creative way to solve the second one:

    _undefined = object()
    class A(object):
        def _foo0(self):
        def _foo1(self, x):
        def foo(self, x=_undefined):
            if x is _undefined:
                return self._foo0()
                return self._foo1(x)

    But this is much, MUCH voodoo-er than a simple metaclass (especially the first one, which really melts your brain). My point is, you look at metaclasses as unfamiliar and counter-intuitive, but you can also look at them as the next step of evolution in programming languages: you just have to adjust your mindset. After all, you could probably do everything in C, including defining a struct with function pointers and passing it as the first argument to its functions. A person seeing C++ for the first time might say, "what is this magic? Why is the compiler implicitly passing this to methods, but not to regular and static functions? It's better to be explicit and verbose about your arguments". But then, object-oriented programming is much more powerful once you get it; and so is this, uh... quasi-aspect-oriented programming, I guess. And once you understand metaclasses, they're actually very simple, so why not use them when convenient?

    And finally, metaclasses are rad, and programming should be fun. Using standard programming constructs and design patterns all the time is boring and uninspiring, and hinders your imagination. Live a little! Here's a metametaclass, just for you.

    class MetaMetaclass(type):
        def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
            def __new__(meta, name, bases, attrs):
                cls = type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
                cls._label = 'Made in %s' % meta.__name__
                return cls 
            attrs['__new__'] = __new__
            return type.__new__(meta, name, bases, attrs)
    class China(type):
        __metaclass__ = MetaMetaclass
    class Taiwan(type):
        __metaclass__ = MetaMetaclass
    class A(object):
        __metaclass__ = China
    class B(object):
        __metaclass__ = Taiwan
    print A._label # Made in China
    print B._label # Made in Taiwan

    The purpose of metaclasses isn't to replace the class/object distinction with metaclass/class - it's to change the behaviour of class definitions (and thus their instances) in some way. Effectively it's to alter the behaviour of the class statement in ways that may be more useful for your particular domain than the default. The things I have used them for are:

  • Tracking subclasses, usually to register handlers. This is handy when using a plugin style setup, where you wish to register a handler for a particular thing simply by subclassing and setting up a few class attributes. eg. suppose you write a handler for various music formats, where each class implements appropriate methods (play / get tags etc) for its type. Adding a handler for a new type becomes:

    class Mp3File(MusicFile):
        extensions = ['.mp3']  # Register this type as a handler for mp3 files
        # Implementation of mp3 methods go here

    The metaclass then maintains a dictionary of {'.mp3' : MP3File, ... } etc, and constructs an object of the appropriate type when you request a handler through a factory function.

  • Changing behaviour. You may want to attach a special meaning to certain attributes, resulting in altered behaviour when they are present. For example, you may want to look for methods with the name _get_foo and _set_foo and transparently convert them to properties. As a real-world example, here's a recipe I wrote to give more C-like struct definitions. The metaclass is used to convert the declared items into a struct format string, handling inheritance etc, and produce a class capable of dealing with it.

    For other real-world examples, take a look at various ORMs, like sqlalchemy's ORM or sqlobject. Again, the purpose is to interpret defintions (here SQL column definitions) with a particular meaning.

  • 链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/23826.html

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