

def __init__(self, canvas, segments):
    """Class constructor.

    :param canvas: the PDF canvas object
    :param segment: The layer segments to be drawn.

    :type canvas: `canvas.Canvas`
    :type segments: list of str


但是,我如何使用实例属性来做到这一点? 像这样的东西

class Path(object):
    :ivar edge_indices: The indices within `textured_points` of the places.

    :type edge_indices: list of int

不起作用。 可以在:ivar之后放一个单词类型,但在这里,它由三个词组成,所以这是行不通的。

我有这个相同的问题。 答案是vartype

class Foo:
    :ivar edge_indices: description
    :vartype edge_indices: list of int
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/23921.html

上一篇: How does one specify a type for variables in Python docstrings for Sphinx?

下一篇: getting file creator/owner attributes in Java