Creating a counter inside a Python for loop

This question already has an answer here:

  • Accessing the index in 'for' loops? 17 answers

  • This (creating an extra variable before the for-loop) is not pythonic .

    The pythonic way to iterate over items while having an extra counter is using enumerate :

    for index, item in enumerate(iterable):
        print(index, item)

    So, for example for a list lst this would be:

    lst = ["a", "b", "c"]
    for index, item in enumerate(lst):
      print(index, item)

    ...and generate the output:

    0 a
    1 b
    2 c

    You are strongly recommended to always use Python's built-in functions for creating "pythonic solutions" whenever possible. There is also the documentation for enumerate.

    If you need more information on enumerate, you can look up PEP 279 -- The enumerate() built-in function.


    上一篇: 找到项目的位置在for循环一个序列

    下一篇: 在Python for循环中创建一个计数器