What parts of Roslyn can you use with VS 2013?

I want to build a C# app that uses the Roslyn NuGet packages. I have Visual Studio 2013. Things were going fine until I hit a ReflectionTypeLoadException looking for Microsoft.Build version 14, which I take it comes with VS 2015 CTP (see this question).

My question is, how far can you get with Roslyn without running into this issue? Do you just need to avoid using the MSBuildWorkspace class? What are the alternatives? Is it possible to download and use the Microsoft.Build assembly from 2015 while still using the 2013 IDE?

您需要从http://go.microsoft.com/?linkid=9863815下载MSBuild 14工具

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/24080.html

上一篇: 快速启动的树莓派嵌入式编程

下一篇: 您可以在VS 2013中使用Roslyn的哪些部分?