Automatic popping up keyboard on start Activity
I got a relative simple question. I have an activity with a lot of EditText's in them. When I open the activity it automatically focusses to the first EditText and displays the virtual keyboard.
How can I prevent this?
Use this attributes in your layout tag in XML file:
As reported by other members in comments it doesn't works on ScrollView
therefore you need to add these attributes to the main child of ScrollView
您可以将其添加到Android Manifest活动中:
I have several implementations described here, but now i have added into the AndroidManifest.xml
for my Activity
the property:
I think this is the easy way even if you are using fragments
" stateAlwaysHidden " The soft keyboard is always hidden when the activity's main window has input focus.
链接地址:上一篇: scrollingCache?
下一篇: 在启动Activity时自动弹出键盘