Selecting an Android EditView's text when it gets focus?

I have a view that contains a number of EditViews. When one is selected, I want all of its text to be selected, rather than just having the edit cursor appear. What I try is this:

EditText E = new EditText(this);
E.setText("Some Text");

    new OnFocusChangeListener()
        public void onFocusChange(View v, boolean hasFocus) {
            if (hasFocus)
                // Set the selection to the entire text
                EditText E2 = (EditText) v;
                E2.setSelection(0, E2.getText().length());

When I select an EditText, onFocusChange is being called with hasFocus = true, but the text is not being selected; instead, the edit cursor appears as it usually does.

Also, when I include this line before the setSelection call:


it sets the text to "Changed" successfully, but still doesn't select the text.

Also, if I use setSelected immediately after the initial E.setText call, the text in the EditText that has the initial focus is selected.

How do I select an EditView's text within an onFocusChangeListener.onFocusChange call?

Itzik Samara回答的问题(“使用setSelectAllOnFocus(布尔)”)在原始问题的评论 - 这是添加的,所以问题可以被标记为回答

You can do three things here:

If you prefer to do this programatically:

1) You can call setSelectAllOnFocus(Boolean) before you call the OnFocusChangeListener(), eg:


2) Inside the hasFocus conditional, you can say


If you would rather use your XML Layout :

3) You can apply setSelectAllOnFocus on your EditText field in your layout, like:


Hope that helps !


上一篇: 在ListView中关注EditTexts的问题(Android)

下一篇: 在获得焦点时选择Android EditView的文本?