Cython Metaclass .pxd: How should I implement `

I am trying to augment an existing python source with a cython .pxd , as Stefan Behnel illustrates in slides 32 to 35 of "Using the Cython Compiler to write fast Python code".

As part of the exercise, I keep hitting a wall with the __eq__() method in my metaclass. I wish I could choose a simpler case to start Cython, but my production code isn't that simple. I cooked up a "minimal, complete example" to illustrate the problem... see the code at the bottom of the question.

Short story...

  • If I use cdef inline __richcmp__(Japan_Car_ABC self, Japan_Car_ABC other, int op): , cython complains that Special methods must be declared with 'def', not 'cdef'
  • If I use def __richcmp__(Japan_Car_ABC self, Japan_Car_ABC other, int op): , cython complains that function definition in pxd file must be declared 'cdef inline'
  • So cython gives me confusing guidance...

    Questions :

  • I know that pure-python .pxd files have restrictions; is defining __richcmp__() in my .pxd a valid way to use a .pxd to augment pure python?
  • If this is a valid way to use a .pxd , how can I fix this to compile correctly?
  • If this is wrong, can a .pxd augment my pure python metaclass, without re-writing the whole metaclass in a .pyx file? (example: class Card in this project)
  • This is my .pxd ...

    ### File: car_abc.pxd
    # cython: infer_types=True
    cimport cython
    cdef class Japan_Car_ABC:
        cpdef public char* model
        cpdef public char* color
        def __richcmp__(Japan_Car_ABC self, Japan_Car_ABC other, int op):
            if op==2:
                # op==2 is __eq__() in pure python
                if self.model==other.model:
                    return True
                return False
                err_msg = "op {0} isn't implemented yet".format(op)
                raise NotImplementedError(err_msg)

    Informational :

    ### File:
    from abc import ABCMeta
    class Japan_Car_ABC(object):
        __metaclass__ = ABCMeta
        def __init__(self, model="", color=""):
            self.model = model
            self.color = color
        def __eq__(self, other):
            if self.model==other.model:
                return True
            return False
        def __hash__(self):
            return hash(self.model)

    from car_abc import Japan_Car_ABC
    class Lexus(Japan_Car_ABC):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            bling = kwargs.pop("bling", True)     # bling keyword (default: True)
            super(Lexus, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.bling = bling
    class Toyota(Japan_Car_ABC):
        def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            super(Toyota, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
    if __name__=="__main__":
        gloria_car = Lexus(model="ES350", color="White")
        jeff_car = Toyota(model="Camry", color="Silver")
        print("gloria_car.model: {0}".format(gloria_car.model))
        print("jeff_car.model: {0}".format(jeff_car.model))
        print("gloria_car==jeff_car: {0}".format(gloria_car==jeff_car))

    from distutils.core import setup
    from distutils.extension import Extension
    from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
    ext_modules = [Extension("car_abc", [""]),
        #Extension("car", [""]),
        name = "really build this thing",
        cmdclass = {'build_ext': build_ext},
        ext_modules = ext_modules

    The simple answer (received from Nils Bruin via cython-users ) is that a pxd cannot be used to implement methods (such as __richcmp__() ). Since I'm using a metaclass, I need to port my code into a .pyx, so I can implement __richcmp__() and other special cython methods.


    上一篇: 来自DateTime的Julian日

    下一篇: Cython Metaclass .pxd:我应该如何实现`