How to handle yii2 migrations on hosts without console access?

I've succesfully created and uploaded advanced template on my shared host.

As next step, I must run the yii migrate .

But I cannot because I've not the console access.

What could you suggest to me?

Please note that

  • I cannot change the host, because it's not a decision of mine
  • I cannot access the server using SSH
  • I've already tried something like PHPShell, but I got permissione denied when trying to run yii migrate --interactive=0
  • I tried also this: added an actionMigrateUp to frontend/controllers/siteController.php

    public function actionMigrateUp()
        $oldApp = Yii::$app;
        new yiiconsoleApplication([
            'id'            => 'Command runner',
            'basePath'      => '@app',
            'components'    => [
                'db' => $oldApp->db,
        Yii::$app->runAction('migrate/up', ['migrationPath' => '@console/migrations/', 'interactive' => false]);
        Yii::$app = $oldApp;

    But when I visit /frontend/web/index.php?r=site/migrateUp I got a 404

    exception 'yiibaseInvalidRouteException' with message 'Unable to resolve the request: site/migrateUp' in C:xampphtdocswwwvendoryiisoftyii2baseController.php:122

    The action that you have created is not accesible with


    but with


    Otherwise everything should be fine.

    I found this answer: How to run Yiic from your Yii application without shelling out to the console

    You need to run: yiic migrate --interactive=0 or php yii migrate --interactive=0


    上一篇: AngularJS 1.3.8使用多个控制器,第二个控制器不工作

    下一篇: 如何在没有控制台访问的情况下处理主机上的yii2迁移?