Where has nuget support in Resharper 9 gone?

I recently updated Resharper to version 9.0. Now I noticed that adding references by Resharper context menu does no longer update the packages.config file, thus breaking the match between referenced DLLs and installed packages.

For older versions of Resharper, this functionality was provided by a plugin, but the plugin does not seem to support Resharper 9.0. Also, I am unable to find something similar through the Resharper Extension Manager.

What is the correct way to add Nuget packages to packages.config when adding references with Resharper 9.0?

NuGet support was shipped as a bundled plug-in in ReSharper 8. Currently this plugin is still not adopted to ReSharper 9, so you have to wait till it will become compatible, sorry.

But it will become compatible relatively soon, hopefully.

Update: According to the creator of the plugin, this functionality will be shipped with Resharper 9.1 , see this issue for the announcement.

That means with Resharper 9.0 we have to keep the packages.config in sync with the references manually.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/24302.html

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下一篇: Resharper 9中的nuget支持哪里去了?