How to concatenate text from multiple rows into a single text string in SQL server?

Consider a database table holding names, with three rows:


Is there an easy way to turn this into a single string of Peter, Paul, Mary ?

I had a similar issue when I was trying to join two tables with one-to-many relationships. In SQL 2005 I found that XML PATH method can handle the concatenation of the rows very easily.

If there is a table called STUDENTS

SubjectID       StudentName
----------      -------------
1               Mary
1               John
1               Sam
2               Alaina
2               Edward

Result I expected was:

SubjectID       StudentName
----------      -------------
1               Mary, John, Sam
2               Alaina, Edward

I used the following T-SQL :

Select Main.SubjectID,
       Left(Main.Students,Len(Main.Students)-1) As "Students"
        Select distinct ST2.SubjectID, 
                Select ST1.StudentName + ',' AS [text()]
                From dbo.Students ST1
                Where ST1.SubjectID = ST2.SubjectID
                ORDER BY ST1.SubjectID
                For XML PATH ('')
            ) [Students]
        From dbo.Students ST2
    ) [Main]

You can do the same thing in a more compact way if you can concat the commas at the beginning and use substring to skip the first one so you don't need to do a sub-query:

Select distinct ST2.SubjectID, 
            Select ','+ST1.StudentName  AS [text()]
            From dbo.Students ST1
            Where ST1.SubjectID = ST2.SubjectID
            ORDER BY ST1.SubjectID
            For XML PATH ('')
        ), 2, 1000) [Students]
From dbo.Students ST2

This answer may return unexpected results when an ORDER BY clause is present. For consistent results, use one of the FOR XML PATH methods detailed in other answers.


SELECT @Names = COALESCE(@Names + ', ', '') + Name 
FROM People

Just some explanation (since this answer seems to get relatively regular views):

  • Coalesce is really just a helpful cheat that accomplishes two things:
  • 1) No need to initialize @Names with an empty string value.

    2) No need to strip off an extra separator at the end.

  • The solution above will give incorrect results if a row has a NULL Name value (if there is a NULL, the NULL will make @Names NULL after that row, and the next row will start over as an empty string again. Easily fixed with one of two solutions:
  • DECLARE @Names VARCHAR(8000) 
    SELECT @Names = COALESCE(@Names + ', ', '') + Name
    FROM People


    DECLARE @Names VARCHAR(8000) 
    SELECT @Names = COALESCE(@Names + ', ', '') + 
        ISNULL(Name, 'N/A')
    FROM People

    Depending on what behavior you want (the first option just filters NULLs out, the second option keeps them in the list with a marker message [replace 'N/A' with whatever is appropriate for you]).

    One method not yet shown via the XML data() command in MS SQL Server is:

    Assume table called NameList with one column called FName,

    SELECT FName + ', ' AS 'data()' 
    FROM NameList 
    FOR XML PATH('')


    "Peter, Paul, Mary, "

    Only the extra comma must be dealt with.

    Edit: As adopted from @NReilingh's comment, you can use the following method to remove the trailing comma. Assuming the same table and column names:

    STUFF(REPLACE((SELECT '#!' + LTRIM(RTRIM(FName)) AS 'data()' FROM NameList
    FOR XML PATH('')),' #!',', '), 1, 2, '') as Brands

    上一篇: 删除列表中的重复项

    下一篇: 如何将多行中的文本连接成SQL服务器中的单个文本字符串?