Calculating percentages of a factor variable with dplyr

I am trying to calculate percentages/counts of each level of a factor variable in a data frame within dplyr, kind of like using table, and while I can do this manually, this becomes tedious if I have many factor variables or the factor variable has many levels.


data <- data.frame(groupbyvar = LETTERS[1:4],
               var1 = letters[1:4],
               var2 = as.factor(sample(1:4,12,TRUE)))

data %>% group_by(groupbyvar) %>% summarise(var1_a = mean(var1 == 'a', na.rm=TRUE),
                                        var1_b = mean(var1 == 'b', na.rm=TRUE),
                                        var1_c = mean(var1 == 'c', na.rm=TRUE),
                                        var1_d = mean(var1 == 'd', na.rm=TRUE),
                                        var1_1 = mean(var2 == 1, na.rm=TRUE),
                                        var1_2 = mean(var2 == 2, na.rm=TRUE),
                                        var1_3 = mean(var2 == 3, na.rm=TRUE),
                                        var1_4 = mean(var2 == 4, na.rm=TRUE))

I thought about using table, but this doesn't generate output that dplyr can understand. Also, I thought about using something like model.matrix to generate indicators on the factor variables before passing in the dataframe, but this increases memory footprint unnecessarily (esp for a large data set). Is there some easy way to automate this?

The result should be a new dataframe with percentages/counts:

  groupbyvar var1_a var1_b var1_c var1_d    var1_1    var1_2    var1_3    var1_4
1          A      1      0      0      0 0.0000000 0.6666667 0.3333333 0.0000000
2          B      0      1      0      0 0.3333333 0.6666667 0.0000000 0.0000000
3          C      0      0      1      0 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.6666667 0.3333333
4          D      0      0      0      1 0.3333333 0.3333333 0.0000000 0.3333333

I want it to automate the suffix on each column name, similar to what model.matrix does with factor variables.

It's definitely overly complicated but I do think that tables will do what you probably want.

Your data

data <- data.frame(groupbyvar = LETTERS[1:4],
                    var1 = letters[1:4],
                    var2 = as.factor(sample(1:4,12,TRUE)))

Then we put it into tabular .

mytab<-tabular( (Factor(groupbyvar, "Group") + 1)*( 
    ~  (Factor(var1, "var1")
        + Factor(var2, "var2")  + 
    *Format(digits=1), data=data )

Which gives me myTab

           var1             var2                
 Group        a    b   c   d   1    2   3   4   All
 A     ColPct 100    0   0   0   0   40  33   0  25
 B     ColPct   0  100   0   0  50   40   0   0  25
 C     ColPct   0    0 100   0   0    0  67  50  25
 D     ColPct   0    0   0 100  50   20   0  50  25
 All   ColPct 100  100 100 100 100  100 100 100 100

And then extract the data from myTab (eg class(table(myTab)) is table. It is really a pain though.


上一篇: R中的fread data.table不读入列名

下一篇: 用dplyr计算因子变量的百分比