Converting LME4 model result to latex (with longtable support)
It seems that the getSummary function for LME4 objects no longer plays well with the memisc package, and outputting LME4 model results to latex no longer works. The only alternative for exporting objects through stargazer however does not allow longtables. Has anyone come up with either a fix for the mtable format, or an alternative way to output these results into a longtable?
Here is a reproducible example.
fm1 <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy)
This used to work, but I believe that lme4 now produces a new object that is no longer recognized by the mtable/getsummary command.
链接地址:上一篇: 通过最大可能性将系数估计到一个观星表中