Adding parameters to function

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  • Change an element's class with JavaScript 30 answers

  • You're getting an error because a space is not a valid character in a class name. Instead pass individual strings, and receive them as a rest parameter.

    Then you can use spread syntax to pass the list of classes to classList.add() .

    // Receive all the classes--------v
    function Img(imgId, imgSrc, ...imgClass) {
      this.imgId = imgId || '';
      this.imgSrc = imgSrc || '';
      this.imgClass = imgClass;
      let elm = document.createElement('img');
      //elm.setAttribute('id', this.imgId);
      //elm.setAttribute('src', this.imgSrc);
      // This is shorter than using `.setAttribute()` = this.imgId;
      elm.src = this.imgSrc;
      elm.classList.add(...this.imgClass); // Add all the classes
      var xyz = document.getElementById('xyz');
      this.createImage = function() {
    var flowerImg = new Img('flower', '', 'img').createImage();
    var airplane = new Img('airplane', '', 'img', 'img-wide').createImage();
    <div action="" id="xyz">


    function Img(imgId, imgSrc, imgClass) {
          this.imgId = imgId || '';
          this.imgSrc = imgSrc || '';
          this.imgClass = imgClass;
          let elm = document.createElement('img');
          elm.setAttribute('id', this.imgId);
          elm.setAttribute('src', this.imgSrc);
          this.imgClass.split(' ').forEach(function(singleClass) {
          var xyz = document.getElementById('xyz');
          this.createImage = function() {
        var flowerImg = new Img('flower', '', 'img').createImage();
        var airplane = new Img('airplane', '', 'img img-wide').createImage();
    <div action="" id="xyz">

    Just use the .className property. There you can set multiple classes at once.

    For example:

    elm.className = this.imgClass;

    Or if there is already a class defined for the element just use it with the + operator, but be aware that you have to insert a space as separator:

    elm.className += " " + this.imgClass;

    上一篇: “git reset”和“git checkout”有什么区别?

    下一篇: 将参数添加到功能