
我有许多不同的模式,但是每个模式都包含一组字段。 我想知道是否有办法让不同的模式扩展父模式并继承它的字段。 例如,这是我想要的:

message Parent {
    required string common1 = 0;
    optional string common2 = 1;

message Child1 { // can we extend the Parent?
    // I want common1, common2 to be fields here
    required int c1 = 2;
    required string c2 = 3;

message Child2 { // can we extend Parent?
    // I want common1, common2 to be fields here
    repeated int c3 = 2;
    repeated string c4 = 3;




message Child1 { 
    required int c1 = 2;
    required string c2 = 3;

message Child2 { 
    required int c1 = 2;
    required string c2 = 3;

message Request {
    required string common1 = 0;
    optional string common2 = 1;
    oneof msg { Child1 c1 = 2; Child2 c2 = 3; }



message Parent {
    required string common1 = 0;
    optional string common2 = 1;

message Child1 { 
    extend Parent
        optional Child1 c1 = 100;

    required int c1 = 2;
    required string c2 = 3;
链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/25353.html

上一篇: Extending Protobuf Messages

下一篇: Singleton expansion for more than two inputs