How to Log?

I want to know how I can see exactly what the cron jobs are doing on each execution. Where are the log files located? Or can I send the output to my email? I have set the email address to send the log when the cron job runs but I haven't received anything yet.

* * * * * >> /var/log/myjob.log 2>&1

will log all output from the cron job to /var/log/myjob.log

You might use mail to send emails. Most systems will send unhandled cron job output by email to root or the corresponding user.

By default cron logs to /var/log/syslog so you can see cron related entries by using:

grep CRON /var/log/syslog


* * * * * your_script_fullpath >> your_log_path 2>&1

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