SCP from remote to local script not copying
My goal is to copy a folder from a remote server to a new local machine via script. I run the script from deploystudio so this is all done in root.So the script is suppose to
1) create .ssh and authorized_keys folder on the local machine
2) Paste the remoteserver's into the local authorized_keys file
3) Secure copy Folder1 from the remote server to local machine's Desktop
The Folder1 fails to copy over. If I sudo the SCP line and manually run it, it would work after I enter the password.
user="name""ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAPpK/k7Yk............"
mkdir /Users/${user}/.ssh
chmod 0700 /Users/${user}/.ssh
touch /Users/${user}/.ssh/authorized_keys
chmod 0644 /Users/${user}/.ssh/authorized_keys
/bin/cat > "/Users/${user}/.ssh/authorized_keys" << EOL
scp -r remoteserver@ /Users/$user/Desktop
Creating that file on the local system does not help you connect to the remote system. For that you want to use ssh-copy-id
上一篇: 作家和自定义阅读器不像广告一样工作
下一篇: 从远程到本地脚本的SCP不复制