Rails 4 upgrading

I'm upgrading my application from rails 3.2 to rails 4.2.5.

In one of my model i have attr_accessor :user_id and i have defined a getter and setter methods, as i need to value on conditional basic.

    class DummyModel < ActiveRecord::Base

        attr_accessor :user_id
        belongs_to :current_user
        before_save :set_user_id

        def user_id
            self[:user_id] ? self[:user_id] : current_user_id ? current_user.id : nil

        def user_id=(value)
            self[:user_id] = value ? value : current_user_id ? current_user.id : nil


        def set_user_id
            self.current_user_id = CurrentUser.first_or_create(:user_id => self[:user_id]).id

In the above DummyModel, that table doesn't have user_id. But a referance current_user_id which needs to be update by the params user_id which i get from browser.

So when i do DummyModel.new(params[:dummy_model]), it will try to assign the params[:dummy_model][:user_id] to the attr_accessor (With the setter method = user_id=(value)). Once assigned it can be used in the before_save.

This whole thing was working properly in rails 3.2. But when i tried to update to rails 4.2, im getting this error message, as assigning value for attr_accessor with self[:user_id] syntax is removed.

    ActiveModel::MissingAttributeError: can't write unknown attribute `user_id`

So i have one solution to rename the user_id to something else, but user_id is used is many places of my application its not possible to change.

Hope this explains my problem. Thanks for the help in advance.

I'm not sure why you're doing this but there's no point using attr_accessor if you're going to replace the methods it is generating. You may as well use the instance variable directly, for example

def user_id
  @user_id || current_user_id

def user_id=(value)
  @user_id = value || current_user_id

If you prefer attr_accessible, you could use it in Rails 4 too. You should install it like gem:

gem 'protected_attributes'

What i can understand from the above but in rails 4 now there are strong parameters. attr_accessor still can be initialized in rails 4 and that still gives you virtual attributes, but from above it looks like user_id is a physical attribute on the model level. Let me know if this makes sense.

I think you are confused about rails 3 attr_accessible and attr_accessor.

Link about difference between them: https://stackoverflow.com/a/6958433/1306709

In rails 4 you still can use attr_accessor , but if you meant attr_accessible here is some info: strong parameters

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/25792.html

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