LINQ to Entities中的SQL排名

我有一个SQL查询,通过多个字段对参与者进行排名。 我需要将其转换为LINQ,我知道它没有排名功能。 有人可以帮助转换吗?

如果有帮助,这是它的功能。 此查询从参赛名单中提取参赛者,并根据列出的RANK() OVER (ORDER BY W desc, L asc, RW asc, RL desc, HP desc, TB desc) AS RANK的字段进行排名。 接下来,我只抓取排名为1或2的那些。 Where q1.RANK in ('1','2') ,查看这两个排名是否有任何联系。 Having count(q1.ParticipantID) > 1

Select q1.RANK, count(q1.ParticipantID) as 'Count'
From (
        Select Distinct ParticipantID, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY W desc, L asc, RW asc, RL desc, HP desc, TB desc) AS RANK
        From vGroupStandings
        Where CompetitionID = 8
        and GroupNumber = 1
        and EventID = 6
     ) as q1
Where q1.RANK in ('1','2')
Group By q1.RANK
Having count(q1.ParticipantID) > 1




以下是子查询中过滤数据的示例。 从这组数据中,我看看是否有超过1个记录排在第1位或第2位。


感谢迄今为止的回复,当我可以试用这些内容时,我会通知您。 这是另一个问题。 改为从控制器调用存储过程会更好吗? 这样我可以保留原来的SQL查询。 我有很多大型的查询,我将不得不运行涉及到排名。 我想知道是否比在LINQ中重写所有内容更容易。


public class Participant
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public int Score1 { get; set; }
    public int Score2 { get; set; }
    public int ExpectedRank { get; set; }


var participants = new Participant[] {
    new Participant { Id = 1, Score1 = 2, Score2 = 5, ExpectedRank = 6 },
    new Participant { Id = 2, Score1 = 10, Score2 = 8, ExpectedRank = 1 },
    new Participant { Id = 3, Score1 = 7, Score2 = 2, ExpectedRank = 4 },
    new Participant { Id = 4, Score1 = 7, Score2 = 4, ExpectedRank = 3 },
    new Participant { Id = 5, Score1 = 7, Score2 = 2, ExpectedRank = 4 },
    new Participant { Id = 6, Score1 = 7, Score2 = 7, ExpectedRank = 2 },


var ranked = participants
    .OrderByDescending(p => p.Score1)
    .ThenByDescending(p => p.Score2)
    .Select((p, i) => new { Order = 1 + i, Participant = p })
    .GroupBy(p => new { p.Participant.Score1, p.Participant.Score2 })
    .SelectMany(g => g.Select(p => new {
        Id = p.Participant.Id,
        Rank = g.Min(x => x.Order),
        ExpectedRank = p.Participant.ExpectedRank

foreach (var p in ranked)


{ Id = 2, Rank = 1, ExpectedRank = 1 }
{ Id = 6, Rank = 2, ExpectedRank = 2 }
{ Id = 4, Rank = 3, ExpectedRank = 3 }
{ Id = 3, Rank = 4, ExpectedRank = 4 }
{ Id = 5, Rank = 4, ExpectedRank = 4 }
{ Id = 1, Rank = 6, ExpectedRank = 6 }



var inner = datasource
              .OrderByDesc(x => x.W)
              .ThenBy(x => x.L)
               // etc for all orders you need
              .GroupBy(new { W = W, L = L, RW = RW, RL = RL, HP = HP, TB = TB })

if (inner[0].Count > 1 || inner[1].Count[1] > 1)
   Console.Writeline("1 "+inner[0].Count.ToString());
   Console.Writeline("2 "+inner[1].Count.ToString());

上一篇: SQL Rank in LINQ to Entities

下一篇: Replace char OnKeyPress