What is the purpose of "git push

AFAIK, git does the following when entering the following command:

"git push -u origin master":

  • Git checks if master branch is located in remote repo. If not it will create it.
  • Git determines the diff between the local branch and the remote branch. Git updates the "diff" in the remote branch.
  • Git will also create a new REMOTE TRACKING branch in the local machine named "origin/master" to track the remote branch.
  • Git will set the non-tracking branch named "master" to be a tracking branch (in order to track "origin/master").
  • This will cause 3 branches to exist:

  • Tracking branch named "master" in my local machine (tracks origin/master).
  • Remote tracking branch named "origin/master" in my local machine.
  • Remote branch named "master" in remote repository"
  • Is this correct?

    Re-edit: assume the master branch exist in local machine.

    Thanks in advance.

    The master branch must exist before pushing.
    That means at least one commit must have been done in a newly created repo (as I explained in "Why do I need to explicitly push a new branch?").

    The remote tracking branch origin/master and the master branch on the remote upstream repo are then created.

    To your point 4 (since master already exist), what is created is the association between the local branch master and an upstream branch (hence the -u or --upstream-to option) origin/master in .gitconfig :

    [branch "master"]
           remote = origin
           merge = refs/heads/master

    From the discussion:

    So If I can have master branch to track directly a remote branch, what benefit do I get in having:

    " master " points to " origin/master " points to "remote master "?

    What benefit I get in having this extra middleman branch?

    You can indeed push directly to a remote branch with git push https://<login>@github.com/<login>/<repo> master:master.

    The benefit of establishing formally a tracking relationship between a local branch master and a remote tracking one ( origin/master ) is to record where to push to ( git push ) or from where to merge from ( git pull ).

    链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/26114.html

    上一篇: 分支与Git中的新项目

    下一篇: “git push的目的是什么?