How to create a DST type?

DST (Dynamically Sized Types) are a thing in Rust now. I have used them successfully, with a flexible last member which is known to the compiler (such as [u8] ).

What I am looking to do, however, is to create a custom DST. Say, for example:

struct Known<S> {
    dropit: fn (&mut S) -> (),
    data: S,

struct Unknown {
    dropit: fn (&mut ()) -> (),
    data: (),

With an expected usage being Box<Known<S>> => Box<Unknown> => Box<Known<S>> , where the middleware need not know about concrete types.

Note: yes, I know about Any , and no I am not interested in using it.

I am open to suggestions in the layout of both Known and Unknown , however:

  • size_of::<Box<Known>>() = size_of::<Box<Unknown>>() = size_of::<Box<u32>>() ; that is it should be a thin pointer.
  • dropping Box<Unknown> drops its content
  • cloning Box<Unknown> (assuming a clonable S ), clones its content
  • ideally, fn dup(u: &Unknown) -> Box<Unknown> { box u.clone() } works
  • I have particular difficulties with (3) and (4), I could solve (3) with manually allocating memory (not using box , but directly calling malloc ) but I would prefer providing an idiomatic experience to the user.

    I could not find any documentation on how to inform box of the right size to allocate.

    There are exactly two types of unsized objects at present: slices ( [T] ), where it adds a length member; and trait objects ( Trait , Trait + Send , &c.), where it adds a vtable including a destructor which knows how large an object to free.

    There is not currently any mechanism for declaring your own variety of unsized objects.


    上一篇: 如何使用NSAttributedString添加它后从UITextView中检索照片?

    下一篇: 如何创建DST类型?