Keep angular controller thin

At this moment i working on huge angular SPA application. I try to keep my controllers thin:

<div ng-controller='HomeController as home'>
   <div ng-repeat='var item in home.items' ng-bind='item' ></div>
   <button ng-click='home.remove(1)' >remove</button>

function HomeController (homeService){
    var vm = this; //$scope
    vm.items = [1,2,3,4,5];
    vm.remove = remove;

    function remove (id){
        homeService.remove({ items: vm.items, targetId: id });

    //a lot of other logic here

angular.module('my').service('homeService', homeService);
function homeService (){
    this.remove = remove;

    function remove (param){
        for(var a = 0; a < param.items.length; a++){
            if(param.items[a] == param.targetId){
                param.items.splice(a, 1);


  • Logic is outside of controller
  • Disadvantages:

  • Service change scope state
  • What is your approach to keep controllers thin?

    What is your approach to keep controllers thin?

    I personally like to keep anything related to application models inside factories/services. So remove and item in your code would not be defined in the controller. Inside the controller I would set references to the model for whatever needs to be available to directives ie accessible via $scope .

    As an example, consider a model with an array of entities and methods to add/remove/find entities in the array. I would first create a factory exposing my model and methods to work with it:

    angular.module('myApp').factory('model', function() {
        // private helpers
        var add = function(array, element) {...}
        var remove = function(array, element) {...}
        var find = function(array, id) {...}
        return {
            Entity: function(id) {
       = id;
            entities: {
                entities: [],
                find: function(id) {
                    return find(this.entities, id);
                add: function(entity) {
                    add(this.entities, entity);
                remove: function(entity) {
                    remove(this.entities, entity);

    Then pass the model to my controller:

    angular.module('myApp').controller('ctrl', function($scope, model) {
        $scope["model"] = model; // set reference to the model if i have to
        var entity = new model.Entity('foo'); // create a new Entity
        model.entities.add(entity); // add entity to entities
        model.entities.find('foo'); // find entity with id 'foo'


    The first thing that I miss in your example are directives. Directives are a powerfull Angular tool that allows you to reuse code, encapsulate and expose the behaviour in your html. To keep the controllers thin you need to split your logic in directives and services. I would write your example with something like: (not working code, I wrote something to ilustrate the idea of splitting the logic)

    // "home"
    <div ng-controller='HomeController as home'>
       <my-item ng-repeat='var item in home.items' ng-bind='item'></my-item>
    // itemtemplate.html
        {{ }}
        <button ng-click='remove()' >remove</button>
    function HomeController (homeService){
        var vm = this; //$scope
        vm.items = homeService.items;
        // The idea here is to make this controller 
        // only needed to load content for this route, 
        // all the other logic should be in the directives and services 
    angular.module('my').directive('myItem', funcion(homeService){
        return {
            restrict: 'E',
            templateUrl: 'itemtemplate.html',
            controller: function(scope, element, attrs) {
                scope.remove = function(){
    angular.module('my').factory('homeService', homeService);
    function homeService (){
        var items = [];
        return { 
            loadItems: function() {
                items = [... pick the items from server or whatever ...];
            remove: function() {
                for(var a = 0; a < this.items.length; a++){
                    if(this.items[a] == this.targetId){
                        this.items.splice(a, 1);

    I also moved the items array to the service (I also changed it for a factory as I think services get instantiated with every injection and you need to keep the items available to everyone), this way it can be accessed from other controllers or directives and the controller doesn't have to care about it.

    I prefer using not only thin controllers but also change controller state from the controller itself.

    function Ctrl($scope, Service) {
         var ctrl = this;
         $scope.ctrl = ctrl;
         Service.getData().then(function() {
    function Service ($http) {
        var data = [];
        this.getData = function() {
             return $http.get().then(function(res) {
                  data = res;

    This construction causes application data flow to be directed one way. So I'm always sure when data will be refreshed and always can track where data is coming from.

    Of course I make some exclusions. Eg if you have no need in data persistence (data should be removed on $destroy) I will save state in the controller.

    Also I like splitting Service to view Service and data Service, where view service is responsible for the view state like detailed/list view, classes etc.

    Also I like using own event bus to avoid using watch expressions and broadcast/emit

    More iver the most useful thing is to move all flags like $scope.viewType, $scope.pageClass etc. to separate directives. This will lead to extreme readability of the code


    上一篇: 跨度上悬停编辑图标(当其内容长于跨度时)

    下一篇: 保持角度控制器很薄