platform mobile web application development tool?

I am very confused about choosing a cross-platform mobile app development tool.

I want to run my web application on hand terminals or Blackberries, iPhones, Androids and etc.

My web application will be able to capture photos, and gps location. What do you think I should be using?

  • RhoMobile
  • Volantis mobility server
  • appcelerator
  • widgetpad
  • sencha
  • webapp-net
  • jquerymobile
  • motherapp
  • mosync
  • Marmalade

  • Just for suggestion, use jQueryMobile to develop web app. Then use to port your web apps to native app that have access to hardware function like camera, etc .

    If you are developing a purely web application you will struggle to get the mobile apps to upload photos with GPS data attached to them.

    You may wish to look at:

    This is as close as I know to a cross platform dev tool for iphone and android, and it means reusing c# skills.



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