
I was under the impression that virtualenv --no-site-packages would create a completely separate and isolated Python environment, but it doesn't seem to.

For example, I have python-django installed globally, but wish to create a virtualenv with a different Django version.

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages foo       
New python executable in foo/bin/python
Installing setuptools............done.
$ pip -E foo install Django
Requirement already satisfied: Django in /usr/share/pyshared
Installing collected packages: Django
Successfully installed Django

From what I can tell, the pip -E foo install above is supposed to re-install a new version of Django. Also, if I tell pip to freeze the environment, I get a whole lot of packages. I would expect that for a fresh environment with --no-site-packages this would be blank?

$ pip -E foo freeze
... and so on ...

Am I misunderstanding how --no-site-packages is supposed to work?

I had a problem like this, until I realized that (long before I had discovered virtualenv), I had gone adding directories to the PYTHONPATH in my .bashrc file. As it had been over a year beforehand, I didn't think of that straight away.

Eventually I found that, for whatever reason, pip -E was not working. However, if I actually activate the virtualenv, and use easy_install provided by virtualenv to install pip, then use pip directly from within, it seems to work as expected and only show the packages in the virtualenv

I know this is a very old question but for those arriving here looking for a solution:

Don't forget to activate the virtualenv ( source bin/activate ) before running pip freeze . Otherwise you'll get a list of all global packages.


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