vertical accordion navigation menu

I have this vertical accordion like side bar navigation. Everything is working fine but the i'm facing some problem with the icons that i'm using it from Twitter Bootstrap 3 .

Here's the FIDDLE .

When I expand the a list item i want to the icon to be facing down and when I click again it's not getting collapsed. And also I want the icon to be changed to left facing chevron icon.

Also please help me in adding transition to it like when it's about to expand I want that to be animated from facing left to down.

And also I can expand the menu only when I click on the text. I couldn't do that to the entire row.

Thanks in advance.

I think I managed to implement what you were after: Here's the FIDDLE

Here's the main JS function. It's a little untidy but the basic functionality is there. You can fix it as you want.

function toggleAccordion(li) {
    if(li.hasClass('active')) {
        $('.sub-menu', li).slideUp();
        $('i', li).removeClass('glyphicon-chevron-down').addClass('glyphicon-chevron-left');
    else {
        $(' .sub-menu').slideUp();
        $('li i').removeClass('glyphicon-chevron-down').addClass('glyphicon-chevron-left');
        $('.sub-menu', li).slideDown();
        $('i', li).removeClass('glyphicon-chevron-left').addClass('glyphicon-chevron-down');


$(document).ready(function() {
    $('.sidebar ul li a').click(function(ev) {
    //$('.sidebar .sub-menu').not($(this).parents('.sub-menu')).slideUp();
        $(this).append('<i class="sidebar-icon glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down"></i>');
        $(this).append('<i class="sidebar-icon glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left"></i>');
}); });

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