Laravel autoprediction woes

I'm trying to get PHP to autocomplete for my Laravel project - I've been trying lots of different packages, but none seem to work...

Here's a screenshot from a PHP class:


I need $table-> to autocomplete and suggest all the functions available to it! (functions such as ->string(...) , ->text(...) , ->timestamps() , etc.)

Can anyone suggest anything?

I have the following php-related packages installed:

  • autocomplete-php (this seems to only work for standard PHP functions?)
  • php-twig (TWIG related only...)
  • language-php (basic PHP syntax...)
  • But I need something more. I need to be able to identify all the classes in my Laravel project and auto-suggest their functions!

    You can use CTags to index the definitions. Have a look at this Atom package:

    Atom Ctags

    Don't worry that the animated demo there is presented for C, it should work with PHP just as well.


    上一篇: 在ActiveJob和Controller之间共享数据

    下一篇: Laravel autoprediction woes