How to insert arrays into a database?
In my previous question a lot of users wanted me to give some more data to toy with. So I got working on exporting all my data and processing it with Python, but then I realized: where do I leave all this data?
Well I decided the best thing would be to stick them in a database, so at least I don't have to parse the raw files every time. But since I know nothing about databases this is turning out to be quite confusing. I tried some tutorials to create a sqlite database, add a table and field and try to insert my numpy.arrays, but it can't get it to work.
Typically my results per dog look like this:
So I have 35 different dogs and each dog has 24 measurement. Each measurement itself has an unknown amount of contacts. Each measurement consists out of a 3D array (248 frames of the whole plate [255x63]) and a 2D array (the maximal values for each sensor of the plate [255x63]). Storing one value in a database wasn't a problem, but getting my 2D arrays in there didn't seem to work.
So my question is how should I order this in a database and insert my arrays into it?
You'll probably want to start out with a dogs
table containing all the flat (non array) data for each dog, things which each dog has one of, like a name, a sex, and an age:
`name` VARCHAR(64),
`sex` ENUM('Male','Female')
From there, each dog "has many" measurements, so you need a dog_mesaurements
table to store the 24 measurements:
CREATE TABLE `dog_measurements` (
`paw` ENUM ('Front Left','Front Right','Rear Left','Rear Right'),
Then whenever you take a measurement, you INSERT INTO dog_measurements (dog_id,taken_at) VALUES (*?*, NOW());
where * ? * is the dog's ID from the dogs
You'll then want tables to store the actual frames for each measurement, something like:
CREATE TABLE `dog_measurement_data` (
`dog_measurement_id` INT UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
`sensor_row` INT UNSIGNED,
`sensor_col` INT UNSIGNED,
`value` NUMBER
That way, for each of the 250 frames, you loop through each of the 63 sensors, and store the value for that sensor with the frame number into the database:
INSERT INTO `dog_measurement_data` (`dog_measurement_id`,`frame`,`sensor_row`,`sensor_col`,`value`) VALUES
(*measurement_id?*, *frame_number?*, *sensor_row?*, *sensor_col?*, *value?*)
Obviously replace measurement_id?, frame_number?, sensor_number?, value? with real values :-)
So basically, each dog_measurement_data
is a single sensor value for a given frame. That way, to get all the sensor values for all a given frame, you would:
SELECT `sensor_row`,sensor_col`,`value` FROM `dog_measurement_data`
WHERE `dog_measurement_id`=*some measurement id* AND `frame`=*some frame number*
ORDER BY `sensor_row`,`sensor_col`
And this will give you all the rows and cols for that frame.
Django has a library for encapsulating all the database work into Python classes, so you don't have to mess with raw SQL until you have to do something really clever. Even though Django is a framework for web applications, you can use the database ORM by itself.
Josh's models would look like this in Python using Django:
from django.db import models
class Dog(models.Model):
# Might want to look at storing birthday instead of age.
# If you track age, you probably need another field telling
# you when in the year age goes up by 1... and at that point,
# you're really storing a birthday.
name = models.CharField(max_length=64)
age = models.IntegerField()
genders = [
('M', 'Male'),
('F', 'Female'),
gender = models.CharField(max_length=1, choices=genders)
class Measurement(models.Model):
dog = models.ForeignKey(Dog, related_name="measurements")
paws = [
('FL', 'Front Left'),
('FR', 'Front Right'),
('RL', 'Rear Left'),
('RR', 'Rear Right'),
paw = models.CharField(max_length=2, choices=paws)
taken_at = models.DateTimeField(default=date, auto_now_add=True)
class Measurement_Point(models.Model):
measurement = models.ForeignKey(Measurement, related_name="data_points")
frame = models.IntegerField()
sensor_row = models.PositiveIntegerField()
sensor_col = models.PositiveIntegerField()
value = models.FloatField()
class Meta:
ordering = ['frame', 'sensor_row', 'sensor_col']
The id
fields are created automatically.
Then you can do things like:
dog = Dog() = "Pochi"
dog.age = 3
dog.gender = 'M'
# dog.gender will return 'M', and dog.get_gender_display() will return 'Male'
# Or, written another way:
dog = Dog.objects.create(name="Fido", age=3, sex='M')
To take a measurement:
measurement = dog.measurements.create(paw='FL')
for frame in range(248):
for row in range(255):
for col in range(63):
measurement.data_points.create(frame=frame, sensor_row=row,
sensor_col=col, value=myData[frame][row][col])
Finally, to get a frame:
# For the sake of argument, assuming the dogs have unique names.
# If not, you'll need some more fields in the Dog model to disambiguate.
dog = Dog.objects.get(name="Pochi", sex='M')
# For example, grab the latest measurement...
measurement = dog.measurements.all().order_by('-taken_at')[0]
# `theFrameNumber` has to be set somewhere...
theFrame = measurement.filter(frame=theFrameNumber).values_list('value')
Note: this will return a list of tuples (eg [(1.5,), (1.8,), ... ]
), since values_list()
can retrieve multiple fields at once. I'm not familiar with NumPy, but I'd imagine it's got a function similar to Matlab's reshape
function for remapping vectors to matrices.
I think you are not able to figure out how to put 2D data in database.
If you think of relation between 2 columns, you can think of it as 2D data with 1st column as X axis data and 2nd column as Y axis data. Similarly for 3D data.
Finally your db should look like this:
Table: Dogs
Columns: DogId, DogName -- contains data for each dog
Table: Measurements
Columns: DogId, MeasurementId, 3D_DataId, 2D_DataId -- contains measurements of each dog
Table: 3D_data
Columns: 3D_DataId, 3D_X, 3D_Y, 3D_Z -- contains all 3D data of a measurement
Table: 2D_data
Columns: 2D_DataId, 2D_X, 2D_Y -- contains all 2D data of a measurement
Also you may want to store your 3D data and 2D data in an order. In that case, you will have to add a column to store that order in table of 3D data and 2D data
链接地址:上一篇: 我怎样才能提高我的爪子检测?
下一篇: 如何将数组插入数据库?