我正在寻找能够处理所有这些图像的解决方案。 因此,需要训练哈尔级联分类器或模板匹配的方法并不是很有趣。
我正在寻找可以用任何编程语言编写的东西,只要它只使用开源技术即可。 必须使用在此问题上共享的图像对解决方案进行测试。 有6个输入图像,答案应显示处理每个图像的结果。 最后,对于每个输出图像,都必须绘制红线以环绕检测到的树。
我有一个我认为有趣的方法,与其他方法有所不同。 与其他一些方法相比,我的方法的主要区别在于如何执行图像分割步骤 - 我使用Python的scikit-learn中的DBSCAN聚类算法; 它针对可能不一定具有单个清晰质心的某种非晶形状进行了优化。
在顶层,我的方法非常简单,可以分解成大约3个步骤。 首先我应用一个阈值(或者实际上是两个独立和不同阈值的逻辑“或”)。 与许多其他答案一样,我假设圣诞树将成为场景中较亮的物体之一,因此第一个阈值仅仅是一个简单的单色亮度测试; 任何在0-255比例(黑色为0,白色为255)上值大于220的像素都将保存为二进制黑白图像。 第二个阈值试图寻找红色和黄色的灯光,这在六幅图像的左上角和右下角的树木中尤为突出,并且与大多数照片中普遍存在的蓝绿色背景相媲美。 我将rgb图像转换为hsv空间,并要求0.0-1.0比例(大致对应于黄色和绿色之间的边界)或大于0.95(对应于紫色和红色之间的边界)时色调小于0.2,另外我需要明亮饱和的颜色:饱和度和数值都必须高于0.7。 两个阈值过程的结果逻辑地“或”在一起,并且得到的黑白二进制图像矩阵如下所示:
您可以清楚地看到,每个图像都有一个与每棵树的位置大致相对应的大像素集群,另外还有一些图像还具有一些其他小集群,这些小集群对应于某些建筑物的窗户中的灯光,或者对应于在地平线上的背景场景。 下一步是让计算机识别这些是独立的群集,并使用群集成员资格ID号正确标记每个像素。
为了这个任务,我选择了DBSCAN。 对于DBSCAN的典型表现,相对于其他聚类算法,这里有一个相当不错的视觉比较。 正如我刚才所说,它与无定形形状相得益彰。 这里显示了DBSCAN的输出,每个群集以不同的颜色绘制:
看这个结果时有几件事要注意。 首先是DBSCAN要求用户设置一个“邻近”参数以调节其行为,这有效地控制了一对点必须分离的程度,以便算法可以声明一个新的独立群集,而不是将测试点聚集到一个已经存在的集群。 我把这个值设置为每个图像对角线大小的0.04倍。 由于图像的大小从大约VGA到大约1080HD不等,因此这种与尺度相关的定义非常重要。
另一点值得注意的是,在scikit-learn中实现的DBSCAN算法具有内存限制,这对于此示例中的一些较大图像来说相当具有挑战性。 因此,对于一些较大的图像,我实际上必须对每个群集进行“抽取”(即仅保留每个第3或第4个像素并放弃其他像素)以保持在此限制内。 作为这种剔除过程的结果,其余的单个稀疏像素在一些较大的图像上难以看到。 因此,仅出于显示目的,上述图像中的彩色编码像素已经被有效“扩张”了,以便它们更好地突出。 为叙述而纯粹是一种整容手术; 虽然在我的代码中有些评论提到了这种扩展,但请放心,它与任何实际重要的计算都没有关系。
一旦聚类被识别和标记,第三步也是最后一步很简单:我只是在每个图像中选取最大的聚类(在这种情况下,我选择根据成员像素的总数量来测量“大小”,尽管可以就像使用某种度量物理范围的度量类型一样简单)并计算该群集的凸包。 凸包然后变成树边界。 通过此方法计算的六个凸包以红色显示如下:
源代码是为Python 2.7.6编写的,它取决于numpy,scipy,matplotlib和scikit-learn。 我把它分成两部分。 第一部分负责实际图像处理:
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
import matplotlib.colors as colors
from sklearn.cluster import DBSCAN
from math import ceil, sqrt
rgbimg: [M,N,3] numpy array containing (uint, 0-255) color image
hueleftthr: Scalar constant to select maximum allowed hue in the
yellow-green region
huerightthr: Scalar constant to select minimum allowed hue in the
blue-purple region
satthr: Scalar constant to select minimum allowed saturation
valthr: Scalar constant to select minimum allowed value
monothr: Scalar constant to select minimum allowed monochrome
maxpoints: Scalar constant maximum number of pixels to forward to
the DBSCAN clustering algorithm
proxthresh: Proximity threshold to use for DBSCAN, as a fraction of
the diagonal size of the image
borderseg: [K,2,2] Nested list containing K pairs of x- and y- pixel
values for drawing the tree border
X: [P,2] List of pixels that passed the threshold step
labels: [Q,2] List of cluster labels for points in Xslice (see
Xslice: [Q,2] Reduced list of pixels to be passed to DBSCAN
def findtree(rgbimg, hueleftthr=0.2, huerightthr=0.95, satthr=0.7,
valthr=0.7, monothr=220, maxpoints=5000, proxthresh=0.04):
# Convert rgb image to monochrome for
gryimg = np.asarray(Image.fromarray(rgbimg).convert('L'))
# Convert rgb image (uint, 0-255) to hsv (float, 0.0-1.0)
hsvimg = colors.rgb_to_hsv(rgbimg.astype(float)/255)
# Initialize binary thresholded image
binimg = np.zeros((rgbimg.shape[0], rgbimg.shape[1]))
# Find pixels with hue<0.2 or hue>0.95 (red or yellow) and saturation/value
# both greater than 0.7 (saturated and bright)--tends to coincide with
# ornamental lights on trees in some of the images
boolidx = np.logical_and(
np.logical_or((hsvimg[:,:,0] < hueleftthr),
(hsvimg[:,:,0] > huerightthr)),
(hsvimg[:,:,1] > satthr)),
(hsvimg[:,:,2] > valthr))
# Find pixels that meet hsv criterion
binimg[np.where(boolidx)] = 255
# Add pixels that meet grayscale brightness criterion
binimg[np.where(gryimg > monothr)] = 255
# Prepare thresholded points for DBSCAN clustering algorithm
X = np.transpose(np.where(binimg == 255))
Xslice = X
nsample = len(Xslice)
if nsample > maxpoints:
# Make sure number of points does not exceed DBSCAN maximum capacity
Xslice = X[range(0,nsample,int(ceil(float(nsample)/maxpoints)))]
# Translate DBSCAN proximity threshold to units of pixels and run DBSCAN
pixproxthr = proxthresh * sqrt(binimg.shape[0]**2 + binimg.shape[1]**2)
db = DBSCAN(eps=pixproxthr, min_samples=10).fit(Xslice)
labels = db.labels_.astype(int)
# Find the largest cluster (i.e., with most points) and obtain convex hull
unique_labels = set(labels)
maxclustpt = 0
for k in unique_labels:
class_members = [index[0] for index in np.argwhere(labels == k)]
if len(class_members) > maxclustpt:
points = Xslice[class_members]
hull = sp.spatial.ConvexHull(points)
maxclustpt = len(class_members)
borderseg = [[points[simplex,0], points[simplex,1]] for simplex
in hull.simplices]
return borderseg, X, labels, Xslice
#!/usr/bin/env python
from PIL import Image
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.cm as cm
from findtree import findtree
# Image files to process
fname = ['nmzwj.png', 'aVZhC.png', '2K9EF.png',
'YowlH.png', '2y4o5.png', 'FWhSP.png']
# Initialize figures
fgsz = (16,7)
figthresh = plt.figure(figsize=fgsz, facecolor='w')
figclust = plt.figure(figsize=fgsz, facecolor='w')
figcltwo = plt.figure(figsize=fgsz, facecolor='w')
figborder = plt.figure(figsize=fgsz, facecolor='w')
figthresh.canvas.set_window_title('Thresholded HSV and Monochrome Brightness')
figclust.canvas.set_window_title('DBSCAN Clusters (Raw Pixel Output)')
figcltwo.canvas.set_window_title('DBSCAN Clusters (Slightly Dilated for Display)')
figborder.canvas.set_window_title('Trees with Borders')
for ii, name in zip(range(len(fname)), fname):
# Open the file and convert to rgb image
rgbimg = np.asarray(Image.open(name))
# Get the tree borders as well as a bunch of other intermediate values
# that will be used to illustrate how the algorithm works
borderseg, X, labels, Xslice = findtree(rgbimg)
# Display thresholded images
axthresh = figthresh.add_subplot(2,3,ii+1)
binimg = np.zeros((rgbimg.shape[0], rgbimg.shape[1]))
for v, h in X:
binimg[v,h] = 255
axthresh.imshow(binimg, interpolation='nearest', cmap='Greys')
# Display color-coded clusters
axclust = figclust.add_subplot(2,3,ii+1) # Raw version
axcltwo = figcltwo.add_subplot(2,3,ii+1) # Dilated slightly for display only
axcltwo.imshow(binimg, interpolation='nearest', cmap='Greys')
clustimg = np.ones(rgbimg.shape)
unique_labels = set(labels)
# Generate a unique color for each cluster
plcol = cm.rainbow_r(np.linspace(0, 1, len(unique_labels)))
for lbl, pix in zip(labels, Xslice):
for col, unqlbl in zip(plcol, unique_labels):
if lbl == unqlbl:
# Cluster label of -1 indicates no cluster membership;
# override default color with black
if lbl == -1:
col = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0]
# Raw version
for ij in range(3):
clustimg[pix[0],pix[1],ij] = col[ij]
# Dilated just for display
axcltwo.plot(pix[1], pix[0], 'o', markerfacecolor=col,
markersize=1, markeredgecolor=col)
axcltwo.set_xlim(0, binimg.shape[1]-1)
axcltwo.set_ylim(binimg.shape[0], -1)
# Plot original images with read borders around the trees
axborder = figborder.add_subplot(2,3,ii+1)
axborder.imshow(rgbimg, interpolation='nearest')
for vseg, hseg in borderseg:
axborder.plot(hseg, vseg, 'r-', lw=3)
axborder.set_xlim(0, binimg.shape[1]-1)
axborder.set_ylim(binimg.shape[0], -1)
下面介绍一种考虑物体亮度和形状的方法。 换句话说,它寻找具有三角形形状并具有明显亮度的物体。 它使用Marvin图像处理框架在Java中实现。
第一步是颜色阈值。 这里的目标是将分析的重点放在具有明亮亮度的物体上。
http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_1threshold.png http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_2threshold.png http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_3threshold。 PNG
http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_4threshold.png http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_5threshold.png http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_6threshold。 PNG
public class ChristmasTree {
private MarvinImagePlugin fill = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.fill.boundaryFill");
private MarvinImagePlugin threshold = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.color.thresholding");
private MarvinImagePlugin invert = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.color.invert");
private MarvinImagePlugin dilation = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.morphological.dilation");
public ChristmasTree(){
MarvinImage tree;
// Iterate each image
for(int i=1; i<=6; i++){
tree = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/trees/tree"+i+".png");
// 1. Threshold
threshold.setAttribute("threshold", 200);
threshold.process(tree.clone(), tree);
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ChristmasTree();
在第二步中,图像中最亮的点被放大以形成形状。 这个过程的结果是具有明亮亮度的物体的可能形状。 应用填充分段,检测到断开的形状。
http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_1_fill.png http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_2_fill.png http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_3_fill。 PNG
http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_4_fill.png http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_5_fill.png http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_6_fill。 PNG
public class ChristmasTree {
private MarvinImagePlugin fill = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.fill.boundaryFill");
private MarvinImagePlugin threshold = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.color.thresholding");
private MarvinImagePlugin invert = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.color.invert");
private MarvinImagePlugin dilation = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.morphological.dilation");
public ChristmasTree(){
MarvinImage tree;
// Iterate each image
for(int i=1; i<=6; i++){
tree = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/trees/tree"+i+".png");
// 1. Threshold
threshold.setAttribute("threshold", 200);
threshold.process(tree.clone(), tree);
// 2. Dilate
invert.process(tree.clone(), tree);
tree = MarvinColorModelConverter.rgbToBinary(tree, 127);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(tree, "./res/trees/new/tree_"+i+"threshold.png");
dilation.setAttribute("matrix", MarvinMath.getTrueMatrix(50, 50));
dilation.process(tree.clone(), tree);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(tree, "./res/trees/new/tree_"+1+"_dilation.png");
tree = MarvinColorModelConverter.binaryToRgb(tree);
// 3. Segment shapes
MarvinImage trees2 = tree.clone();
fill(tree, trees2);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(trees2, "./res/trees/new/tree_"+i+"_fill.png");
private void fill(MarvinImage imageIn, MarvinImage imageOut){
boolean found;
int color= 0xFFFF0000;
for(int y=0; y<imageIn.getHeight(); y++){
for(int x=0; x<imageIn.getWidth(); x++){
if(imageOut.getIntComponent0(x, y) == 0){
fill.setAttribute("x", x);
fill.setAttribute("y", y);
fill.setAttribute("color", color);
fill.setAttribute("threshold", 120);
fill.process(imageIn, imageOut);
color = newColor(color);
found = true;
break Outerloop;
private int newColor(int color){
int red = (color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
int green = (color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
int blue = (color & 0x000000FF);
if(red <= green && red <= blue){
else if(green <= red && green <= blue){
return 0xFF000000 + (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ChristmasTree();
如输出图像所示,检测到多个形状。 在这个问题中,图像中只有几个亮点。 但是,这种方法是为了处理更复杂的情况而实施的。
在下一步中,分析每个形状。 一个简单的算法用类似于三角形的模式检测形状。 该算法逐行分析对象形状。 如果每条形状线的质量中心几乎相同(给定阈值)并随着y增加质量增加,则该物体具有三角形形状。 形状线的质量是属于该形状的该行中的像素数。 设想你水平切割对象并分析每个水平段。 如果它们彼此集中并且长度从第一段到最后一段以线性模式增加,那么您可能有一个类似于三角形的对象。
private int[] detectTrees(MarvinImage image){
HashSet<Integer> analysed = new HashSet<Integer>();
boolean found;
found = false;
for(int y=0; y<image.getHeight(); y++){
for(int x=0; x<image.getWidth(); x++){
int color = image.getIntColor(x, y);
if(isTree(image, color)){
return getObjectRect(image, color);
return null;
private boolean isTree(MarvinImage image, int color){
int mass[][] = new int[image.getHeight()][2];
int yStart=-1;
int xStart=-1;
for(int y=0; y<image.getHeight(); y++){
int mc = 0;
int xs=-1;
int xe=-1;
for(int x=0; x<image.getWidth(); x++){
if(image.getIntColor(x, y) == color){
if(yStart == -1){
if(xs == -1){
xs = x;
if(x > xe){
xe = x;
mass[y][0] = xs;
mass[y][3] = xe;
mass[y][4] = mc;
int validLines=0;
for(int y=0; y<image.getHeight(); y++){
mass[y][5] > 0 &&
Math.abs(((mass[y][0]+mass[y][6])/2)-xStart) <= 50 &&
mass[y][7] >= (mass[yStart][8] + (y-yStart)*0.3) &&
mass[y][9] <= (mass[yStart][10] + (y-yStart)*1.5)
if(validLines > 100){
return true;
return false;
http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_1_out_2.jpg http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_2_out_2.jpg http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_3_out_2。 JPG
http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_4_out_2.jpg http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_5_out_2.jpg http://marvinproject.sourceforge.net/other/trees/tree_6_out_2。 JPG
public class ChristmasTree {
private MarvinImagePlugin fill = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.fill.boundaryFill");
private MarvinImagePlugin threshold = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.color.thresholding");
private MarvinImagePlugin invert = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.color.invert");
private MarvinImagePlugin dilation = MarvinPluginLoader.loadImagePlugin("org.marvinproject.image.morphological.dilation");
public ChristmasTree(){
MarvinImage tree;
// Iterate each image
for(int i=1; i<=6; i++){
tree = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/trees/tree"+i+".png");
// 1. Threshold
threshold.setAttribute("threshold", 200);
threshold.process(tree.clone(), tree);
// 2. Dilate
invert.process(tree.clone(), tree);
tree = MarvinColorModelConverter.rgbToBinary(tree, 127);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(tree, "./res/trees/new/tree_"+i+"threshold.png");
dilation.setAttribute("matrix", MarvinMath.getTrueMatrix(50, 50));
dilation.process(tree.clone(), tree);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(tree, "./res/trees/new/tree_"+1+"_dilation.png");
tree = MarvinColorModelConverter.binaryToRgb(tree);
// 3. Segment shapes
MarvinImage trees2 = tree.clone();
fill(tree, trees2);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(trees2, "./res/trees/new/tree_"+i+"_fill.png");
// 4. Detect tree-like shapes
int[] rect = detectTrees(trees2);
// 5. Draw the result
MarvinImage original = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/trees/tree"+i+".png");
drawBoundary(trees2, original, rect);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(original, "./res/trees/new/tree_"+i+"_out_2.jpg");
private void drawBoundary(MarvinImage shape, MarvinImage original, int[] rect){
int yLines[] = new int[6];
yLines[0] = rect[1];
yLines[1] = rect[1]+(int)((rect[3]/5));
yLines[2] = rect[1]+((rect[3]/5)*2);
yLines[3] = rect[1]+((rect[3]/5)*3);
yLines[4] = rect[1]+(int)((rect[3]/5)*4);
yLines[5] = rect[1]+rect[3];
List<Point> points = new ArrayList<Point>();
for(int i=0; i<yLines.length; i++){
boolean in=false;
Point startPoint=null;
Point endPoint=null;
for(int x=rect[0]; x<rect[0]+rect[2]; x++){
if(shape.getIntColor(x, yLines[i]) != 0xFFFFFFFF){
if(startPoint == null){
startPoint = new Point(x, yLines[i]);
in = true;
endPoint = new Point(x, yLines[i]);
in = false;
if(endPoint == null){
endPoint = new Point((rect[0]+rect[2])-1, yLines[i]);
drawLine(points.get(0).x, points.get(0).y, points.get(1).x, points.get(1).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(1).x, points.get(1).y, points.get(3).x, points.get(3).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(3).x, points.get(3).y, points.get(5).x, points.get(5).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(5).x, points.get(5).y, points.get(7).x, points.get(7).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(7).x, points.get(7).y, points.get(9).x, points.get(9).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(9).x, points.get(9).y, points.get(11).x, points.get(11).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(11).x, points.get(11).y, points.get(10).x, points.get(10).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(10).x, points.get(10).y, points.get(8).x, points.get(8).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(8).x, points.get(8).y, points.get(6).x, points.get(6).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(6).x, points.get(6).y, points.get(4).x, points.get(4).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(4).x, points.get(4).y, points.get(2).x, points.get(2).y, 15, original);
drawLine(points.get(2).x, points.get(2).y, points.get(0).x, points.get(0).y, 15, original);
private void drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int length, MarvinImage image){
int lx1, lx2, ly1, ly2;
for(int i=0; i<length; i++){
lx1 = (x1+i >= image.getWidth() ? (image.getWidth()-1)-i: x1);
lx2 = (x2+i >= image.getWidth() ? (image.getWidth()-1)-i: x2);
ly1 = (y1+i >= image.getHeight() ? (image.getHeight()-1)-i: y1);
ly2 = (y2+i >= image.getHeight() ? (image.getHeight()-1)-i: y2);
image.drawLine(lx1+i, ly1, lx2+i, ly2, Color.red);
image.drawLine(lx1, ly1+i, lx2, ly2+i, Color.red);
private void fillRect(MarvinImage image, int[] rect, int length){
for(int i=0; i<length; i++){
image.drawRect(rect[0]+i, rect[1]+i, rect[2]-(i*2), rect[3]-(i*2), Color.red);
private void fill(MarvinImage imageIn, MarvinImage imageOut){
boolean found;
int color= 0xFFFF0000;
for(int y=0; y<imageIn.getHeight(); y++){
for(int x=0; x<imageIn.getWidth(); x++){
if(imageOut.getIntComponent0(x, y) == 0){
fill.setAttribute("x", x);
fill.setAttribute("y", y);
fill.setAttribute("color", color);
fill.setAttribute("threshold", 120);
fill.process(imageIn, imageOut);
color = newColor(color);
found = true;
break Outerloop;
private int[] detectTrees(MarvinImage image){
HashSet<Integer> analysed = new HashSet<Integer>();
boolean found;
found = false;
for(int y=0; y<image.getHeight(); y++){
for(int x=0; x<image.getWidth(); x++){
int color = image.getIntColor(x, y);
if(isTree(image, color)){
return getObjectRect(image, color);
return null;
private boolean isTree(MarvinImage image, int color){
int mass[][] = new int[image.getHeight()][11];
int yStart=-1;
int xStart=-1;
for(int y=0; y<image.getHeight(); y++){
int mc = 0;
int xs=-1;
int xe=-1;
for(int x=0; x<image.getWidth(); x++){
if(image.getIntColor(x, y) == color){
if(yStart == -1){
if(xs == -1){
xs = x;
if(x > xe){
xe = x;
mass[y][0] = xs;
mass[y][12] = xe;
mass[y][13] = mc;
int validLines=0;
for(int y=0; y<image.getHeight(); y++){
mass[y][14] > 0 &&
Math.abs(((mass[y][0]+mass[y][15])/2)-xStart) <= 50 &&
mass[y][16] >= (mass[yStart][17] + (y-yStart)*0.3) &&
mass[y][18] <= (mass[yStart][19] + (y-yStart)*1.5)
if(validLines > 100){
return true;
return false;
private int[] getObjectRect(MarvinImage image, int color){
int x1=-1;
int x2=-1;
int y1=-1;
int y2=-1;
for(int y=0; y<image.getHeight(); y++){
for(int x=0; x<image.getWidth(); x++){
if(image.getIntColor(x, y) == color){
if(x1 == -1 || x < x1){
x1 = x;
if(x2 == -1 || x > x2){
x2 = x;
if(y1 == -1 || y < y1){
y1 = y;
if(y2 == -1 || y > y2){
y2 = y;
return new int[]{x1, y1, (x2-x1), (y2-y1)};
private int newColor(int color){
int red = (color & 0x00FF0000) >> 16;
int green = (color & 0x0000FF00) >> 8;
int blue = (color & 0x000000FF);
if(red <= green && red <= blue){
else if(green <= red && green <= blue){
return 0xFF000000 + (red << 16) + (green << 8) + blue;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new ChristmasTree();
有关这种解决方案的输出图像和其他一些图像的相似性的讨论。 事实上,它们非常相似。 但是这种方法不仅仅是分割对象。 它也从某种意义上分析了物体的形状。 它可以处理同一场景中的多个发光物体。 事实上,圣诞树不需要是最亮的。 我只是为了丰富讨论。 样品中存在偏见,只是寻找最亮的物体,你会发现树木。 但是,我们真的想在这一点上停止讨论吗? 在这一点上,电脑能够在多大程度上识别出类似于圣诞树的物体? 我们试着缩小这个差距。
这是我简单而愚蠢的解决方案。 它基于这样的假设,即树会成为图片中最明亮和最大的东西。
//g++ -Wall -pedantic -ansi -O2 -pipe -s -o christmas_tree christmas_tree.cpp `pkg-config --cflags --libs opencv`
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <iostream>
using namespace cv;
using namespace std;
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
Mat original,tmp,tmp1;
vector <vector<Point> > contours;
Moments m;
Rect boundrect;
Point2f center;
double radius, max_area=0,tmp_area=0;
unsigned int j, k;
int i;
for(i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
original = imread(argv[i]);
cerr << "Error"<<endl;
return -1;
GaussianBlur(original, tmp, Size(3, 3), 0, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);
erode(tmp, tmp, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 10);
cvtColor(tmp, tmp, CV_BGR2HSV);
inRange(tmp, Scalar(0, 0, 0), Scalar(180, 255, 200), tmp);
dilate(original, tmp1, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 15);
cvtColor(tmp1, tmp1, CV_BGR2HLS);
inRange(tmp1, Scalar(0, 185, 0), Scalar(180, 255, 255), tmp1);
dilate(tmp1, tmp1, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 10);
bitwise_and(tmp, tmp1, tmp1);
findContours(tmp1, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
max_area = 0;
j = 0;
for(k = 0; k < contours.size(); k++)
tmp_area = contourArea(contours[k]);
if(tmp_area > max_area)
max_area = tmp_area;
j = k;
tmp1 = Mat::zeros(original.size(),CV_8U);
approxPolyDP(contours[j], contours[j], 30, true);
drawContours(tmp1, contours, j, Scalar(255,255,255), CV_FILLED);
m = moments(contours[j]);
boundrect = boundingRect(contours[j]);
center = Point2f(m.m10/m.m00, m.m01/m.m00);
radius = (center.y - (boundrect.tl().y))/4.0*3.0;
Rect heightrect(center.x-original.cols/5, boundrect.tl().y, original.cols/5*2, boundrect.size().height);
tmp = Mat::zeros(original.size(), CV_8U);
rectangle(tmp, heightrect, Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1);
circle(tmp, center, radius, Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1);
bitwise_and(tmp, tmp1, tmp1);
findContours(tmp1, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
max_area = 0;
j = 0;
for(k = 0; k < contours.size(); k++)
tmp_area = contourArea(contours[k]);
if(tmp_area > max_area)
max_area = tmp_area;
j = k;
approxPolyDP(contours[j], contours[j], 30, true);
convexHull(contours[j], contours[j]);
drawContours(original, contours, j, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3);
imshow(argv[i], original);
return 0;
第一步是检测图片中最明亮的像素,但我们必须区分树本身和反映其光线的雪。 在这里,我们尝试排除雪在颜色代码上应用真正简单的过滤器:
GaussianBlur(original, tmp, Size(3, 3), 0, 0, BORDER_DEFAULT);
erode(tmp, tmp, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 10);
cvtColor(tmp, tmp, CV_BGR2HSV);
inRange(tmp, Scalar(0, 0, 0), Scalar(180, 255, 200), tmp);
dilate(original, tmp1, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 15);
cvtColor(tmp1, tmp1, CV_BGR2HLS);
inRange(tmp1, Scalar(0, 185, 0), Scalar(180, 255, 255), tmp1);
dilate(tmp1, tmp1, Mat(), Point(-1, -1), 10);
bitwise_and(tmp, tmp1, tmp1);
findContours(tmp1, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
max_area = 0;
j = 0;
for(k = 0; k < contours.size(); k++)
tmp_area = contourArea(contours[k]);
if(tmp_area > max_area)
max_area = tmp_area;
j = k;
tmp1 = Mat::zeros(original.size(),CV_8U);
approxPolyDP(contours[j], contours[j], 30, true);
drawContours(tmp1, contours, j, Scalar(255,255,255), CV_FILLED);
现在我们已经差不多完成了,但由于下雪仍然存在一些不完美之处。 要将它们切掉,我们将使用圆形和矩形构建一个蒙版来近似树的形状以删除不需要的部分:
m = moments(contours[j]);
boundrect = boundingRect(contours[j]);
center = Point2f(m.m10/m.m00, m.m01/m.m00);
radius = (center.y - (boundrect.tl().y))/4.0*3.0;
Rect heightrect(center.x-original.cols/5, boundrect.tl().y, original.cols/5*2, boundrect.size().height);
tmp = Mat::zeros(original.size(), CV_8U);
rectangle(tmp, heightrect, Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1);
circle(tmp, center, radius, Scalar(255, 255, 255), -1);
bitwise_and(tmp, tmp1, tmp1);
findContours(tmp1, contours, CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
max_area = 0;
j = 0;
for(k = 0; k < contours.size(); k++)
tmp_area = contourArea(contours[k]);
if(tmp_area > max_area)
max_area = tmp_area;
j = k;
approxPolyDP(contours[j], contours[j], 30, true);
convexHull(contours[j], contours[j]);
drawContours(original, contours, j, Scalar(0, 0, 255), 3);
我很抱歉,但目前我有一个不好的联系,所以我不能上传图片。 我会在稍后尝试。