Recommendations for developing Sweave documents

I'm looking to streamline my Sweave document creation, and I'd like to hear about people's current setups. I feel like the holy grail goes something like this:

  • Editing Rnw code on one half of the screen
  • Single keybinding compiles Sweave document and runs pdflatex
  • View PDF on the other half of the screen; once compiled, PDF is refreshed and centered around the portion of the document you're editing
  • If compilation has errors, replace the PDF with the results of the compilation (eg latex errors or Sweave errors)
  • I am guessing/hoping that the solution is part Emacs/ESS combined with some code for the Emacs profile and/or a nice Makefile. But I would really like to hear about everybody's preferred way of creating Sweave and/or Latex documents.

    A few other R users I talked to use a 'one-directory-per-project' setup, and a simple Makefile. As you suspected, that works well with Emacs/ESS.

    I tend to just call a simple shell script sweave which I wrote before before 'R CMD Sweave' was added (as I find re-creating or copying the Makefile unappealing, YMMV). I also use Emacs and an auto-refreshing pdf viewer (like okular or kpdf ). Emacs23 can preview pdf files directly too but I have yet to switch my work flow to that.

    edd@ron:~$ cat bin/sweave
    #!/bin/bash -e
    function errorexit () {
        echo "Error: $1"
        exit 1
    function filetest () {
        if [ ! -f $1 ]; then
           errorexit "File $1 not found"
        return 0
    if [ "$#" -lt 1 ]; then
        errorexit "Need to specify argument file"
    BASENAME=$(basename $1 .Rnw)
    filetest $RNWFILE
    echo "library(tools); Sweave("$RNWFILE")" 
          | R --no-save --no-restore --slave
    filetest $LATEXFILE && pdflatex $LATEXFILE

    You can do everything that you suggest there with the StatET plugin for Eclipse. That's what I use for Sweave development; it understands both latex and R very well, including syntax highlighting, etc.

    You can get it here:

    Longhow Lam has written a nice guide:

    I use TeXShop on OS X to produce all of my LaTeX and Sweave reports. For me, a new compilation pipeline is as simple as adding a file, called Sweave.engine to ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines/ which contains the following:

    #!/usr/bin/env Rscript
    args <- commandArgs(T)
    fname <- strsplit(args[1],'.')[[1]][2]

    Sweave is now a selectable method of compiling a document inside TeXShop. I can set it to be the default for a document by adding the following TeX hash-bang to the top of the file:

    % !TEX TS-program = Sweave

    Hitting Cmd-T will typeset the document- the pdf automatically pops up in a separate window. TeXShop also incorporates SyncTeX technology so a Cmd-Click in the Rnw source will highlight the corresponding output in the PDF window and a Cmd-Click in the PDF window will highlight the corresponding input in the Rnw source.

    TeXShop is mac-only but a great Qt/poppler-based clone, TeXworks, is available for Linux, Windows and Mac and supports many of the same features-- including TeX hash-bangs and SyncTeX. TeXworks has reached a level of maturity where it is included in version 2.8 of the MikTeX package for Windows.


    上一篇: sweave和ggplot2:完全不生成pdf

    下一篇: 开发Sweave文档的建议