objective c warning

I am parsing an XML but having some problem regrading its attribute. I wan to fetch a value and want to convert into int. in my .h file I have declared

int *count;

and set property (nonatomic , readwrite)int *count;

in .m file

self.count = [[attributeDict objectForKey:@"count"] intValue];

but it gives error " warning: initialization makes pointer from integer without a cast "

what is wrong ?


int *count;


it shoud be int count;

Because you have declared your instance variable as a pointer to an int instead of as an int . Drop the * from the instance variable and the property declaration and make sure the property is assign not retain .

It should just be:

int count

You don't want to use a pointer.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/26984.html

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