iCloud and GEOResourceManifestServerRemoteProxy: Lost connection to geod warning

I am testing my app that uses iCloud . Sometimes, when I fire up the app I get the following warning in the console:

GEOResourceManifestServerRemoteProxy: Lost connection to geod

Once I get this warning I don't seem to get any data from iCloud . I have tried searching this issue, but have found very little information on it.

Any suggestions on how one should try to detect this issue and try to handle it?

I realize that you asked this back in March, but according to this it can happen when a login (like a connection to FB) has timed out.

If you do a stacktrace and see , then this should help.

And here is the code for that interface, if that's helpful.

链接地址: http://www.djcxy.com/p/26990.html

上一篇: 使用Sun专有的Java类是不好的做法?

下一篇: iCloud和GEOResourceManifestServerRemoteProxy:与地理位置警告的连接丢失