Remove warning in sqlcipher Integation in IOS

I have implemented sqlCipher in my IOS Project and when I run it shows 25 warnings like 'implicit conversion loses integer precision 'size_t' (aka 'long') to 'int''.So Please suggest How to get rid of these warnings. Any help will be appreciated.

Change datatypes from int to long and your warning will be not shown anymore.

for example below statement giving that warning mentioned in question,

 int i = [self someMethod]; //this method's return type is NSInteger

So it will give this warning so change it like,

 long i = [self someMethod];

上一篇: 读取短信息IOS 11会收到警告XPCIMDMessageStoreSendXPCMessag。

下一篇: 在IOS中的sqlcipher集成中删除警告