Create a branch in Git from another branch

I have two branches: master and dev

I want to create a "feature branch" from the dev branch.

Currently on the branch dev, I do:

$ git checkout -b myfeature dev

... (some work)

$ git commit -am "blablabla"
$ git push origin myfeature

But, after visualizing my branches, I got:


I mean that the branch seems ff merged, and I don't understand why...

What I'm doing wrong?

Can you explain me please how you branch off from another branch and push back to the remote repository for the feature branch?

All that in a branching model like the one described here.

If you like the method in the link you've posted, have a look at Git Flow.

It's a set of scripts he created for that workflow.

But to answer your question:

$ git checkout -b myFeature dev

Creates MyFeature branch off dev. Do your work and then

$ git commit -am "Your message"

Now merge your changes to dev without a fast-forward

$ git checkout dev
$ git merge --no-ff myFeature


Now push changes to the server

$ git push origin dev
$ git push origin myFeature

And you'll see it how you want it.

If you want create a new branch from any of the existing branches in Git, just follow the options.

First change/checkout into the branch from where you want to create a new branch. For example, if you have the following branches like:

  • master
  • dev
  • branch1
  • So if you want to create a new branch called "subbranch_of_b1" under the branch named "branch1" follow the steps:

  • Checkout or change into "branch1"

    git checkout branch1
  • Now create your new branch called "subbranch_of_b1" under the "branch1" using the following command.

    git checkout -b subbranch_of_b1 branch1

    The above will create a new branch called subbranch_of_b1 under the branch branch1 (note that branch1 in the above command isn't mandatory since the HEAD is currently pointing to it, you can precise it if you are on a different branch though).

  • Now after working with the subbranch_of_b1 you can commit and push or merge it locally or remotely.

  • 在另一个分支下创建分支的示例图形插图

    Create a Branch

  • Create branch when master branch is checked out. Here commits in master will be synced to the branch you created.

    $ git branch branch1

  • Create branch when branch1 is checked out . Here commits in branch1 will be synced to branch2

    $ git branch branch2

  • Checkout a Branch

    git checkout command switch branches or restore working tree files

  • $ git checkout branchname

  • Renaming a Branch

  • $ git branch -m branch1 newbranchname

  • Delete a Branch

  • $ git branch -d branch-to-delete
  • $ git branch -D branch-to-delete ( force deletion without checking the merged status )

  • Create and Switch Branch

  • $ git checkout -b branchname

  • Branches that are completely included

  • $ git branch --merged

  • ************************** Branch Differences [ git diff branch1..branch2 ] ************************

    Multiline difference
  • $ git diff master..branch1
  • Singleline difference
  • $ git diff --color-words branch1..branch2
  • 链接地址:

    上一篇: AngularJS上传文件并将其发送到数据库

    下一篇: 从另一个分支在Git中创建一个分支