Image with gestures

I'm making an application who needs to display a map, contained in a large image file (png). The user must be able to zoom in/out the image and drag it in order to scroll the image with touch gestures.

I'm not sure that you get it, but i want to display a single image as it would be displayed by the "Photos" iphone application.

I would like some hints about the best way to do it with those gesture and with a navigation header in order to leave the image view.

Thanks in advance if you can give me any help about this issue because I did not find any clue on the phonegap doc.


Why don't you use the built inn components for this?

Sounds like you need to wrap an ImageView inside a ScrollView and a HorizontalScrollView, then rescale the image by handling onTouch-events.

Take a look at the MapKitPlug plugin:

Good Luck!

I would use which has some really slick image zoom going on. You can also start loading new images after certain zoom levels for finer grains of quality.


上一篇: 从图库中选择图片

下一篇: 带手势的图像